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City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />DISCIPLINARY ACTION <br />The City of Arden Hills employees are expected to maintain a high level of performance. <br />In the event job performance or behavior causes problems that interfere with work, <br />provision of City services or the management of the City, disciplinary measures which <br />could lead to termination may be necessary. <br />Supervisors are responsible for maintaining compliance with City standards of employee <br />conduct. The objective of this policy is to establish a standard process for employees of <br />the City. City employees will be subject to disciplinary action for failure to fulfill their <br />duties and responsibilities at the level required, including observance of work rules and <br />standards of conduct and applicable City policies. <br />Discipline will be administered in a non-discriminatory manner. An employee who believes <br />that discipline applied was either unjust or disproportionate to the offense committed may <br />pursue a remedy through the grievance procedures established in the City's personnel <br />policies. The supervisor and/or the Director of Administrative Services will investigate <br />any allegation on which disciplinary action might be based before any disciplinary action is <br />taken. <br />NO CONTRACT LANGUAGE ESTABLISHED <br />This policy is not to be construed as contractual terms and is intended to serve only as a <br />guide for employment discipline. <br />Process <br />The City may elect to use progressive discipline, a system of escalating responses <br />intended to correct the negative behavior rather than to punish the employee. There may <br />be circumstances that warrant deviation from the suggested order or where progressive <br />discipline is not appropriate. Nothing in these personnel policies implies that any City <br />employee has a contractual right or guarantee (also known as a property right) to the job <br />he/she performs. <br />Documentation of disciplinary action taken will be placed in the employee's personnel <br />file with a copy provided to the employee. <br />The following are descriptions of the types of disciplinary actions: <br />Oral Reprimand <br />This measure will be used where informal discussions with the employee's supervisor <br />have not resolved the matter. All supervisors have the ability to issue oral reprimands <br />without prior approval. <br />76