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City of Arden Hills Personnel Policy Effective February 29,2016 <br />Oral reprimands are normally given for first infractions on minor offenses to clarify <br />expectations and put the employee on notice that the performance or behavior needs to <br />change, and what the change must be. The supervisor will document the oral reprimand <br />including date(s) and a summary of discussion and corrective action needed. This report <br />will be filed with Human Resources. <br />Written Reprimand <br />A written reprimand is more serious and may follow an oral reprimand when the <br />problem is not corrected or the behavior has not consistently improved in a reasonable <br />period of time. Serious infractions may require skipping either the oral or written <br />reprimand, or both. Written reprimands are issued by the supervisor with prior approval <br />from the City Administrator. <br />A written reprimand will: (1) state what did happen; (2) state what should have happened; <br />3) identify the policy, directive or performance expectation that was not followed; (4) <br />provide history, if any, on the issue; (5) state goals, including timetables, and expectations <br />for the future; and (6) indicate consequences of recurrence. <br />Employees will be given a copy of the reprimand to sign acknowledging its receipt. <br />Employees' signatures do not mean the employee agrees with the reprimand. Written <br />reprimands will be placed in the employee's personnel file. <br />Suspension With or Without Pay <br />The City Administrator may suspend an employee without pay for disciplinary reasons. <br />Suspension without pay may be followed with immediate dismissal as deemed <br />appropriate by the City Council, except in the case of veterans. Qualified veterans will not <br />be suspended without pay in conjunction with a termination. <br />The employee will be notified in writing of the reason for the suspension either prior to <br />the suspension or shortly thereafter. A copy of the letter of suspension will be placed in <br />the employee's personnel file. <br />An employee may be suspended or placed on involuntary leave of absence pending an <br />investigation of an allegation involving that employee. The leave may be with or without <br />pay depending on a number of factors including the nature of the allegations. If the <br />allegation is proven false after the investigation, the relevant written documents will be <br />removed from the employee's personnel file and the employee will receive any <br />compensation and benefits due had the suspension not taken place. <br />Demotion and/or Transfer <br />An employee may be demoted or transferred if attempts at resolving an issue have failed <br />77