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06-22-99 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
06-22-99 PTRC
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Parks and Recreation Committee <br />Tuesday, May 25, 1999 <br />7:00 p.m. - Arden Hills City Hall <br />Call to Order and Roll Call. <br />Chairman Don Messerly called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Dorothy McClung, Jim Johnson, <br />and Rich Strommen constituted a quorum of the committee. Also attending were staff Brian <br />Fritsinger and Tom Moore; Council liaison Lois Rem; and Bethel College representative Bruce <br />Kunkel. <br />2. Bethel College Park - Usage Update. <br />Brian Fritsinger presented a memo concerning the College's needs. The Committee discussed the <br />City's need for softball, especially A level, and for soccer. Tennis is not currently a community <br />need. Bruce Kunkel explained a calendar of the College's varsity and junior varsity schedule. The <br />Committee asked about the College's intramural needs and schedules; this information is not <br />currently complete. Mr. Kunkel stated that if the College makes an agreement with the City, then <br />the College would abide by that agreement. The Committee agreed that they want more specific <br />information about intramural needs, especially on evenings and weekends. Mr. Kunkel said he <br />thought he could get that information within a few days. The Committee discussed the information <br />and visuals they wanted to take to neighborhood meeting. Mr. Kunkel said he hoped everyone <br />understands that Bethel will proceed with or without City involvement. The Committee said they <br />understood this and believed the neighborhood does also. They asked what Bethel wants from the <br />City. Mr. Kunkel indicated there are various issues, including possible funding available to the <br />City from state or county sources and increased attractiveness to private donors, not only in Arden <br />Hills (staff noted that softball teams from the entire north metro area play here). Mr. Fritsinger <br />said that a more detailed calendar of Bethel's needs would clarify potential usage benefits to the <br />City. The Committee asked if construction would take place this year. Mr. Kunkel and staff <br />agreed this would not happen this year. Staff asked if an additional month delay (to obtain <br />intramural needs information from the College) would be acceptable. Mr. Kunkel and the <br />Committee agreed that this would work and that the neighborhood meeting would be postponed for <br />another month, pending receipt of the intramural schedule. The Committee asked if actual costs <br />are known. Mr. Kunkel indicated they are not, but the College assumes they will be in the one <br />million plus range. <br />Day in the Park (Saturday, June 5, 1999). <br />Staff and Committee members went over list of who will be available to help and when. Mr. <br />Moore said a food vendor had been retained; Lou Speggen will again supply his tent; parking is <br />available at DynaMark. Brian briefly described the upcoming task force to discuss city events, <br />including Day in the Park. <br />4. Arden Manor Improvements - Review. <br />Brian has discussed Arsenal drainage and the pond with Mike Fix (Commander's Representative at <br />TCAAP). A study has been done and concluded "no issues of concern" at the pond. Based on that <br />assurance, Brian will proceed with BRW to prepare plans for the proposed improvements. <br />5. Determine Summer Meeting Schedule. <br />The Committee will meet in June and probably also in July (with Bethel Park neighbors); <br />tentatively, there will be no August meeting. <br />
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