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31 <br />186721v2 <br />impact on traffic as determined by the Community Development Director <br />or their designee; <br /> <br />D. The provisions in this Section may be modified by the City Council to <br />allow planning flexibility without the need for a variance to encourage <br />cooperative dialogue between the applicant and the City. Minor <br />improvements to existing uses should be encouraged without costly upgrades <br />or complete changes to a site. <br /> <br />Subd. 2 Permitted Uses. Permitted uses are allowed as specified on the Land Use <br />Chart, Section 1320.05, for the I-Flex District. <br /> <br />Subd. 3 Uses allowed by Conditional Use Permit. <br /> <br />A. Used allowed by Conditional Use Permit as specified on the Land Use <br />Chart, Section 1320.05, for the I-Flex District. <br /> <br />B. Wholesaling and warehousing if such use is wholly contained within a <br />building and occupies not more than fifty (50) percent of the gross floor area <br />of the building in which it is located. <br /> <br />C. Wholesaling, warehousing and related accessory uses which were in <br />existence in April 1991 issued a Conditional Use Permit, which will allow <br />such uses to continue on the site, or within any existing or expanded facilities <br />or improvements thereon, provided that the ratios of conditional uses to the <br />gross floor area of the building do not exceed the ratios existing as of the date <br />hereof. The Conditional Use Permit shall define the scope and ratios of <br />existing uses and may be amended in compliance with the procedural <br />requirements of Section 1355.04 Subd 3 relative to Conditional Use Permits. <br /> <br />D. Manufacturing or processing that generates hazardous waste with a <br />valid hazardous waste generators license from the Ramsey County Public <br />Health Department or other licensing agencies having jurisdiction. <br /> <br />Subd. 4 Prohibited Uses. Some land uses are not compatible with the stated <br />purpose of this district and will not be allowed. The following uses are prohibited: <br /> <br />A. Residential uses, except those required for safety and security reasons <br />in relation to the principal use. <br /> <br />B. Open sales, rental or storage uses or lots. <br /> <br />C. Vehicular sales, lease, rental or repair. <br /> <br />D. Truck terminals, freight terminals and freight forwarding services. <br />