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32 <br />186721v2 <br />E. Bulk storage buildings, yards and terminals, including but not limited <br />to forest, metal, concrete, agricultural and petroleum products; chemicals and <br />similar products. <br /> <br />F. Manufacturing or processing that generates hazardous waste without a <br />valid hazardous waste generator license from the Ramsey County Public <br />Health Department or other licensing agencies having jurisdiction. <br /> <br />Subd. 5 Building Exteriors, Site Features and Site Development. Accomplishing <br />the stated purpose of the I-Flex District requires particular concern for the design of <br />buildings, site features (such as landscaping, lighting, and signage) and site design. <br />The arrangement, geometry, massing, materials and colors shall be responsive to <br />existing buildings, site features and site design on adjoining sites in the district. The <br />City Council will make the final determination on the compatibility and consistency <br />with this provision. <br />1320.13 Special Requirements for the Gateway Business (GB) District. (revised 4/28/08) <br /> <br />Subd. 1 Procedure. The application and the administrative and review procedure <br />established in Section 1355.04 Subd 3, Conditional Use Permits, and Appendix A, <br />Procedural Manual, shall be followed for all development that involves new building <br />construction, modification of a building's exterior, or modification of the site. This <br />provision is subject to any modifications or additions set forth in this Section. The <br />prescribed procedure may be modified by the City to allow planning flexibility and to <br />encourage cooperative dialogue between the applicant and the City. <br /> <br />Subd. 2 Definitions of Terms Used Herein. <br /> <br />A. Gateway Business (GB) District. A district established specifically to <br />provide a flexible framework for the development of the area of the city <br />generally located in the northeast quadrant of the interchange at I-694 and I- <br />35W. <br /> <br />B. Mixed Use Project. A segment of the GB District that is controlled by <br />a single developer entity, containing more than one type of use, and planned <br />as a single development but may be developed in more than a single stage. <br /> <br />C. Single Use Project. A segment of the GB District that is controlled by <br />a single developer entity and containing a single type of use, planned as a <br />single development and encompassing one or more parcels but may be <br />developed in more than a single stage. <br /> <br />Subd. 3 Allowable Uses. Development within the GB District will include uses <br />that are specified on the Land Use Chart, Section 1320.05, and shall comply with the <br />following development criteria: <br />