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41 <br />186721v2 <br />C. Procedure for Council Action. The procedure for Council action in <br />Chapter 1355.04 Subd 6 shall apply. <br /> <br />D. Other Requirements Applicable to a PUD Master Plan Approval. In <br />making its decision as to whether to approve the applicant's PUD Master Plan <br />the City Council shall be guided by the provisions of Section 1355.04 Subd <br />3.B. Council action on the PUD shall follow the provision of Section <br />1355.05. <br /> <br />E. Documentation for Larger Complex Areas. Additional documentation <br />required for a Master Plan for larger complex areas (development tracts five <br />(5) or more acres in size or of such complexity that more detailed and <br />complete plans are warranted): <br /> <br />1. Land Use and Design Component. A land use component shall <br />consist of a map or maps setting forth the distribution, location and extent <br />of the area of land devoted to each category of land use existing and <br />proposed as part of the Master Plan, including, but not limited to, the <br />existing and proposed coverage of area by buildings, streets, trees and <br />landscaping, and parking. Said map or maps shall encompass not only <br />that portion of the development tract located within the City but also any <br />portion thereof located in an adjacent municipality. Said component shall <br />also contain a descriptive statement of objective, principles and standards <br />used in its formulations. The land use and design component shall also <br />contain a descriptive statement of the standards of population density and <br />building intensity for the various proposed land uses, including estimates <br />for future population characteristics and change within the planned <br />community correlated with the other components of the Master Plan. The <br />supporting data shall include, but not be limited to, dwelling (housing) <br />units per acre for the various residential uses proposed; and square footage <br />by type for the various nonresidential facilities, including sufficient data to <br />calculate traffic generation, parking requirements, water consumption, <br />sewage needs and the necessary capacity of related utilities and services <br />traditionally rendered by public and private organizations for a population <br />of such size as is projected for the completed, planned development. <br /> <br />2. Transportation and Parking Component. The transportation and <br />parking component shall consist of a map or maps setting forth the general <br />location and extent of all traffic circulation, pedestrian and bicycle <br />circulation, and parking facilities, existing and proposed, as part of the <br />Master Plan of the entire development tract, including any portion thereof <br />located in an adjacent municipality. In addition, it shall include, among <br />other things, documentation, data or expert testimony in sufficient detail to <br />show the impact of traffic expected to be generated by the proposed <br />development over the course of its growth and expansion upon the current <br />and projected traffic in surrounding streets; to demonstrate the adequacy