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2017 Trail/Watermain Projects – City of Arden Hills <br />February 9, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />be impacted during construction), street signs, light poles, water surfaces, and other items as needed to assist in the <br />design process. To the greatest extent possible, property corners will be located in the field, but a detailed <br />boundary survey or monumentation research has not been included with this scope of services. <br /> <br />As part of the preliminary design survey, cross sections at 50-foot intervals, as well as driveway locations, will be <br />created using centerline, top of curb and gutter line elevations. These cross sections will be incorporated into the <br />CAD base-mapping and used to ensure the design fits within the existing area with minimized impacts to adjoining <br />properties. <br /> <br />It has been assumed that the City will provide record plan information or any existing plat information for <br />incorporation into the AutoCAD base-map and TIN. Once the project is complete, WSB will provide the City with the <br />electronic files used on the project. Any additional survey requested by the City, or what may be needed due to <br />changes in scope, or schedule, will require a re-evaluation of this service fee. It is expected that survey work <br />completed by other consultants will be provided to WSB in an AutoCAD basemap format. <br /> <br />5. Preliminary Layout <br />Upon authorization, we will begin preliminary work immediately by gathering private utility data, conducting a <br />topographic survey, wetland delineation, reviewing City utility record drawings, hosting a private utility meeting, <br />and reviewing the City’s existing drainage system. The information gathered will be used to develop preliminary <br />design mapping and/or exhibits, and a cost estimate. Drafting of a feasibility report has not been included with the <br />scope of work. <br /> <br />6. Wetland Delineation/Wetland Permitting <br />Wetland delineations will be required along the Old Snelling Trail project north of Bethel University and along the <br />County Road E2 trail section. WSB will complete a Level 2 (onsite) wetland investigation within the designated <br />project limits. Wetlands and surface water features (if any) will be delineated and characterized in conformance <br />with the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Wetlands Delineation Manual (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1987) and <br />the Northcentral/Northeast Regional Supplement. The wetland boundaries will be surveyed, the top-of-bank of <br />watercourses will also be identified if necessary, therefore differentiating waters and wetlands, which are permitted <br />differently. <br /> <br />The information obtained as part of the delineation will be compiled into a wetland delineation report. This report <br />will be submitted to Rice Creek Watershed District, the Local Government Unit (LGU), and USACE for their review <br />and approval. The wetland delineation report will include a figure depicting the locations of all delineated wetlands, <br />as well as characterization & classification of wetland types. The approved delineated wetland boundaries will be <br />incorporated into the project design for wetland impact avoidance and minimization considerations. <br /> <br />Based on a preliminary review of the proposed project alignment, it is anticipated that wetland impacts will occur. <br />WSB will prepare the WCA, Section 404 permits application (Joint Application), and incorporate the avoidance <br />sequencing discussion and assumed wetland replacement will be via an approved wetland bank. WSB can identify <br />an appropriate wetland bank and coordinate the replacement credits purchase process. The cost for the purchase of <br />the wetland replacement credits is not included in this scope, and would be coordinated separately with the City of <br />Arden Hills. <br /> <br />7. Project Meetings, City Council Meetings, and Public Involvement <br />WSB will hold project meetings with the City, Ramsey County, and Bethel University throughout the design process <br />to ensure that this project is designed and implemented with all stakeholders in mind. These will include one kick- <br />off meeting with City staff at the beginning of the project, one with Ramsey County, and one with Bethel University. <br />The scope of services includes one neighborhood open house during preliminary design. In addition, WSB will