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<br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />and the product. The approach should discuss the roles of the City Council, <br />Commissions, Committees, staff, and the public in preparing the Comprehensive Plan <br />Update. <br /> <br />B. Project Personnel <br />The proposal should contain the names of the firm’s assigned personnel with key <br />responsibilities for the work and the description of their roles and duties. An <br />organizational chart should be included that designates responsibilities and lines of <br />authority and communication. The proposal should also include resumes of these <br />individuals with an emphasis on their involvements and responsibilities with other <br />comprehensive plan updates. <br /> <br />C. Relative Experience <br />The proposal should discuss the firm’s experience with other comprehensive plan updates <br />in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Relative experience should include current <br />knowledge of and recent experience with the Metropolitan Council and the <br />comprehensive plan update approval process. <br /> <br />D. References <br />Include a list of municipal clients where related services were provided by the firm’s <br />proposed staff along with contact information for a staff member at that municipality. <br /> <br />Include a list of private clients for whom work has been or is being performed within the <br />City of Arden Hills, the type of project, the specific activities performed, and the name of <br />a person who may be contacted at the private firm. <br /> <br />E. Schedule <br />Provide a proposed schedule from project initiation to final completion. The schedule <br />should include a list of key tasks within each phase, key milestones and approximate <br />dates, and deliverables. <br /> <br />F. Costs <br />The proposal should include a “not to exceed” cost for the project and a schedule of <br />billing rates for personnel involved. If multiple consultants are collaborating on the <br />project, please identify the specific segment of the scope for each assigned consultant and <br />the associated pricing. <br /> <br />Costs should be separately provided for completing each of the Comprehensive Plan <br />sections included in the Scope of Services above. Costs for each of the public <br />engagement alternatives should also be separately provided. <br /> <br />The City reserves the right to select one or multiple consultants. <br /> <br />IV. Submission Requirements <br /> <br />A. Inquiries