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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — MAY 21, 2018 4 <br />City Administrator Perrault noted that Councilmember Holmes felt she would support low <br />bonding amounts. <br />It was decided the council was 3-2 for scenario A. <br />Staff was directed to bring a $2.6 million bond to the next Council meeting for approval. <br />E. Residential Zoning Districts <br />City Planner Bachler discussed the uses currently allowed in the R-1 and R-2 districts, as well as <br />development standards and set back requirements. He noted the total number of properties that <br />could be subdivided in R-1 would be about 16 and 7 in the R-2 district. He suggested the Council <br />could consider changing or adding requirements to the subdivision and zoning codes regarding <br />loss of neighborhood character, building height, residential floor area, and space between <br />dwellings as a way to address concerns associated with infill deveopment. He asked the Council if <br />they would like staff to do additional research that may include changes to the future land use map <br />and regulations other communities have. <br />Councilmember Holden passed photos of homes in a neighborhood of the City that were all <br />unique, showing her distaste of multiple identical houses being allowed side by side. <br />Mayor Grant would be in favor of making changes to properties that are being used as non- <br />residential. He felt our position would be better going in as R-1 than R-2 and hoping someone <br />develops as R-1. <br />City Planner Bachler said redevelopment projects on lots that are heavily wooded will need to <br />have tree removal and he felt the zoning code language wasn't clear enough to specify how much <br />was too much. <br />Councilmember McClung felt a consistent height requirement needs to be addressed. <br />City Planner Bachler explained how the floor area ratio works; finished or finishable space is <br />included that is at least six feet in height. The ratio is currently 30% of the lot area. <br />Council would like to see Trinity Lutheran Church rezoned from R-2 to R-1. <br />Staff will speak with the church before a public hearing notice goes out. <br />F. Residential Accessory Structures <br />City Planner Bachler explained that the question of the setbacks on accessory structures has <br />often come up with residents wondering why the requirement is ten feet. He provided the <br />accessory structure setback requirements for neighboring communities and asked if Council <br />would like staff to look at the City requirements. <br />After discussion, the consensus was to keep the current residential accessory structure setbacks. <br />