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14. The Applicant shall be responsible for obtaining a land disturbance Grading and Erosion <br />Control permit from the City's Engineering Division prior to the commencement of any <br />land disturbance activities. <br />15. Heavy duty silt fence and adequate erosion control around the entire construction site <br />shall be required and maintained by the Developer during construction to ensure that <br />sediment and storm water does not leave the project site. <br />16. Prior to the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, the Applicant shall stripe a <br />minimum of 334 parking stalls in parking lot located on PID 213023340005 and <br />complete maintenance of filling existing potholes and sealcoating. Parking stalls <br />dimensions shall be 9 feet by 18 feet. <br />17. Prior to the issuance of a Grading and Erosion Control permit, the School District shall <br />provide the City in writing how they will staff the pedestrian crossing during student <br />arrival and release for City staff and the Ramsey County Sheriff review. City staff, sheriff <br />and school must meet and approve by August 1, 2019. The School District shall <br />implement any and all recommendations made by the City and/or the Sheriff prior to the <br />start of the 2019-2020 school year. <br />18. Prior to the issuance of a Grading and Erosion Control permit the Engineering <br />Department shall approve the Final grading, utility, stormwater and right of way <br />improvement plans. <br />19. The Applicant, Ramsey County Sheriff and City staff shall review traffic and pedestrian <br />operations annually until permit improvements are constructed. The Applicant shall <br />implement improvements recommended by the City Engineer. <br />20. Prior to the issuance of a Grading and Erosion Control Permit, all items identified in the <br />March 5, 2019 Engineering Review Comments memo shall be addressed. All comments <br />shall be adopted herein by reference. <br />21. The proposed mascot wall sign may be externally illumined and shall be approved by <br />Planning staff in writing. Internal illumination is prohibited. The proposed mascot sign <br />shall not exceed 53 square feet and shall be constructed of aluminum alloy. Final location <br />of the proposed mascot wall sign shall be approved in writing by Planning staff. <br />22. A Planned Unit Development Agreement shall be fully executed prior to the prior to July <br />31, 2019. <br />23. The Applicant shall be financially responsible for 100 percent of all Lake Valentine Road <br />street improvements. These improvements include but shall not be limited to: turn lanes <br />and other access improvements, trail and sidewalk improvements, pedestrian signal, <br />signage and striping modifications, and drainage and utility improvements. The City's <br />engineering consultant will design construction plans and specifications. These charges <br />will be identified in the Planned Unit Development Agreement. <br />24. Traffic study shall be updated prior to issuance of Grading and Erosion permit. <br />25. Parking lot improvements on PID 213023340005 may be included as part of the future <br />Lake Valentine roadway improvement at the discretion of the school district. <br />26. Reconstruction of the parking lot on PID 213023340005 shall occur by 2024. <br />187184v1 21 <br />