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Mr. David Swearingen <br />December 10, 2019 <br />Page 3 <br />Task 3 – Work Plan <br /> <br />Based on the results of the Desktop Environmental Review and the Phase I ESA, WSB will <br />prepare a written Work Plan outlining the borings, locations, sampling depths, and sample <br />parameters to define the extent and magnitude of potential subsurface contamination that may be <br />encountered during reconstruction along the Corridor. The Work Plan will include costs for <br />sample collection and chemical analysis of soil, groundwater, and soil vapor samples. The Work <br />Plan will also contain estimated sample collection/analysis costs, as well as, a boring location and <br />sampling rational. Lastly, the Work Plan will be provided to the City for review and approval. <br /> <br />Task 4 – Field Investigation <br /> <br />Utilizing the approved Work Plan, WSB will perform a Field Investigation along the Corridor. The <br />Field Investigation will include the advancement of geoprobe borings along the Corridor to <br />determine 1.) whether contamination impacts to soil, groundwater, or soil vapor exist within the <br />project reconstruction limits and 2.) provide data to support the proper management of excavated <br />material that may be generated during construction. The following activities will be completed as <br />part of the Field Investigation: <br /> <br />● Subcontract Bergerson Caswell, Inc. of Maple Plain, Minnesota to complete the <br />environmental drilling and Eurofins/TestAmerica of Minneapolis, Minnesota to <br />complete laboratory analyses. <br />● Stake boring locations (14 total). <br />● Locate public/private utilities using Gopher State One Call (GSOC) and a private <br />locator (if needed). <br />● As necessary, provide traffic control for lane/shoulder closures in accordance with <br />MnDOT’s Temporary Traffic Control Layouts Field Manual, January 2018, as <br />amended. <br />● Advance 14 geoprobe borings along the Corridor to 15 feet below grade, <br />● Screen soils using a photoionization detector (PID) with a 10.6 eV lamp. <br />● Record general soil classifications/observations in a field log, including visual, <br />olfactory, and other indications of contamination. <br />● Record general groundwater information including depths, odors, colors, staining, <br />and other general field observations. <br />● Field record boring locations using GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. <br />● Seal borings per Minnesota Department of Health regulations. <br />● Collect samples for standard 10-day laboratory analysis as described below. <br />o Soil – 28 samples for Diesel Range Organics (DRO), Gasoline Range Organics <br />(GRO), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX), and Lead <br />o Groundwater – 2 samples for DRO, GRO, BTEX, and Lead <br />o Soil Vapor – 2 samples for Volatile organic Compounds (VOCs) using method <br />TO-15 <br />o Note: PCB soil samples will be collected at each sample location and placed on <br />hold. If DRO is detected, then the PCB samples may be analyzed at select <br />locations with approval from the City/County. <br /> <br />Task 5 – Project Report <br /> <br />WSB will provide a Project Report summarizing the results of the Field Investigation. The Project <br />Report will include figures, tables, boring logs, laboratory reports, conclusions, and <br />recommendations. The conclusions/recommendations will include actions to address <br />contamination anticipated to be encountered along the Corridor during reconstruction. WSB will