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City Council Minutes
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5/27/2020 9:56:52 AM
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5/27/2020 9:56:41 AM
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ARDEN HILLS CITY COLINCIL _ APRIL 27,2020 l0 <br />Public Works Director/City Engineer Blomstrom indicated the likelihood of the School <br />District obtaining an easement from the State was good. He was optimistic the School District <br />would receive the easement. <br />Councilmember Holmes supported stafls recommendation. She questioned if Condition 8 <br />should be amended to address the school speed zone hours. <br />Mayor Grant stated this could be addressed through an amendment to the motion. However, he <br />supported the language remaining as is noting changes could be made in the future. <br />City Attorney Jamnik advised the Council should wait to receive a recommendation from the <br />Sheriff s Department prior to changing the school speed zone timeframe. <br />MOTION:Councilmember Holmes moved and Councilmember Scott seconded a motion <br />to apnrove Plannine Case L8-014 for an Amended PUD at 1900 and 1901 <br />Lake Valentine Road. based on the findings of fact and submitted plans. and <br />the fourteen (14) conditions amendins Condifion I as nronosed bv staff. A <br />roll call vote was taken.mofion carried (4-0). <br />B.Resolution 2020-021- Planning Case 20-001 -2040 Comprehensive Plan Text <br />Amendment (Land Use Chapter) <br />Community Development ManagerlCity Planner Mrosla stated at its July 22,2019 meeting, <br />the City Council approved Site Plan Review, Final Planned Unit Development, Rezoning, <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Plat, and Vacation of <br />existing easements for Summit Development at 1718,1720, and lT22Parkshore Drive and 4177 <br />Old Highway 10. The Applicant is requesting to construct a three (3) story, 120-unit senior <br />housing building which will include independent living, assisted living, memory care and skilled <br />nursing. The proposed development site is approximately 5.32 acres and has a net density of 21.78 <br />units per acre. However, when the plans were reviewed by the Metropolitan Council they were <br />denied over concern that the City's recently approved 2040 Comprehensive Plan does not have <br />language supporting increasing the densities above the maximum permitted in a specific land use <br />district. [n order to move the project forward a minor text amendment to the 2040 Comprehensive <br />Plan is required. <br />Community Development ManagerlCity Planner Mrosla reported the Planning Commission <br />offers the following findings of fact for consideration: <br />1. Minnesota state law requires that all communities within the Minneapolis-St. Paul <br />metropolitan area update their Comprehensive Plans every ten years. <br />2. The purpose of the Comprehensive Plan is to establish the policies that guide the future <br />physical and community development of Arden Hills. <br />3. The Metropolitan Council has previously denied the Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br />citing that it does not have language supporting increasing the densities above the <br />maximum permitted in a specific land use district. <br />4. The proposed amendment only affects the High Density Land Uses.
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