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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COLINCIL WORK SESSION _ JULY 27,2020 <br />their usual participation level. Shoreview has a total of 749 participants (347 in leagues and 412 in <br />camps). Shoreview's adult softball league currently has eight teams (12 participants per team). <br />Recreation Programmer Vaughan explained New Brighton has also resumed leagues this <br />summer and is operating a little under 50% of their usual participation level. New Brighton has <br />130 youth league participants and 28 total adult softball teams (12-15 participants perteam). The <br />City of Roseville resumed adult and youth leagues in July. They estimate that their numbers are <br />down roughly 30% this summer. Roseville currently has 102 softball teams,37 volleyball teams, <br />and 8 bocce ball teams. All are seeing their numbers increase as they continue to promote for fall <br />leagues, camps, classes, and other programs. <br />Recreation Programmer Vaughan reported staff has communicated with the Mounds View <br />School District about the availability to hold the City's before and after school programs in the <br />schools this fall, The Mounds View School District is still waiting to see what the Governor <br />decides about schools. The School District is slowly beginning to open facilities and are requiring <br />organizations to send COVID-l9 preparedness plans. They are cuffently accepting fall facility <br />requests, but noting that things may look different and time and space may be reduced for <br />additional cleaning. Permits can be issued, but in the event that school closes, then permits would <br />be revised or cancelled. Staff requested feedback on how to proceed with fall recreation <br />programming. <br />Councilmember Holden stated at this point in time she supported the City waiting to print the <br />guide until winter. She suggested parking programming not resume until this winter. <br />Councilmember Scott supported the City holding off on printing the guide until this winter. <br />Mayor Grant commented he may have supported softball and tennis being conducted this fall. <br />Councilmember McCIung stated this was a hard one for the Council to take action on. He <br />reported the State's COVID cases were slowly creeping back up and for this reason, he <br />recommended the City be more conservative with its programming. <br />Councilmember Holmes indicated she would be for more programs this fall. She stated there <br />may be ways to conduct outdoor programs safely with proper social distancing, She feared there <br />may not be enough time to print a guide and still hold fall programming. She questioned what <br />types of programming staff could get in place for the fall. <br />Recreation Programmer Vaughan reported he has received three or four calls a day requesting <br />fall soccer leagues. He anticipated staff could pull together a soccer program for this fall and <br />could work in conjunction with neighboring communities on this. <br />Councilmember Holmes supported staff moving forward with a fall soccer program. <br />2 <br />Councilmember Scott stated he could support soccer in a limited capacity.