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<br />2 <br />211828v2 <br />Recorder within 60 days of the City Council’s approval of the Final Plat and provide the City with a <br />recorded copy. <br />3. CITY COUNCIL REVIEW. On the 22nd day of June, 2020, the City Council reviewed <br />the application at a public hearing, the reports and recommendations of the City’s staff and consultants, <br />the reports and requests of the Developer, and has approved the Preliminary and Variance, and, all <br />subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. <br />4. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. In consideration of the City’s development approvals, <br />in compliance with the City’s development regulations, and in consideration of the undertakings <br />expressed herein, the parties agree: <br />A. Preliminary and Final Plat, and Variance: <br />1. The project shall be completed in accordance with the submitted plans as amended by the <br />conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these plans, as determined by the City <br />Planner, shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />2. The applicant shall submit a park dedication fee in the amount of $26,000, subject to the <br />approval of the City Council. The park dedication fee shall be submitted prior to the <br />execution of the Final Plat. <br />3. Preliminary Plat approval shall expire six months from the date of the City Council <br />approval unless the Final Plat has been approved by the City Council and recorded with <br />Ramsey County or a time extension granted by the City Council. <br />4. A Letter of Credit in the amount of 125 percent of the cost of materials and installation for <br />the required replacement tree plantings shall be provided prior to the issuance of any <br />development permits. The Letter of Cred shall be valid for two full years from the date of <br />installation of the replacements trees. <br />5. Prior to the issuance of a Grading and Erosion Control permit the Applicant shall work with <br />the City to locate the additional eighty-seven (87) caliper inches of replacement trees on the <br />site or on the adjacent properties to the north and south of subject property. If the replacement <br />tree plantings cannot be reasonably accommodated on the site, the City can work with the <br />applicant to find off-site locations for the plantings or require that a fee in lieu of the plantings <br />be provided. <br />6. The applicant shall provide the City with a copy of the approved Rice Creek Watershed <br />District Permit prior to the issuance of any development permits. <br />7. Signage depicting the conservation easement boundaries shall be shown on grading plan, <br />final location and sign design is subject to the approval of the Public Works Director.