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<br /> <br />Feasibility Report Page 13 <br />Snelling Avenue North and County Road E - Street and Utility Improvements <br />City Project Number PW 20-0100 DRAFT <br />project from the Area 1 roadway improvements south of County Road E. The Council further <br />directed staff to work with Ramsey County to conduct additional traffic study of the <br />intersection after traffic patterns return to more stable condition in 2021 or 2022. <br /> <br />3.3 Street Improvements: Cummings Lane and Bussard Court <br />As mentioned in Section 2, Cummings Lane and the east 100-feet of Bussard Court are highly <br />deteriorated and can no longer be cost-effectively maintained. Proposed improvements for <br />Cummings Lane consist of reclaiming the existing pavement, shaping the generated <br />aggregate material to raise the center crown to improve pavement drainage and repaving the <br />roadway with 4-inches of bituminous pavement. The installation of curb and gutter is not <br />proposed along Cummings Lane. Improvements also include replacement of the storm sewer <br />structure at the low point of the road and the culvert extending into the drainage ditch along <br />Trunk Highway 51. <br />Proposed street improvements for the 100-foot section of Bussard Court include removal of <br />the pavement, reconstruction of the upper two feet of subgrade with granular and aggregate <br />base, replacement of damaged curb and placement of 4-inches of new bituminous pavement. <br /> <br />3.4 Utility Improvements: Area 1 – Snelling Ave N south of County Road E <br />Sanitary Sewer <br />Sanitary sewer along Snelling Avenue is located approximately 30 feet or more to the east <br />and west of the roadway pavement. The segment between Arden Place and Skiles Lane was <br />previously improved with a CIPP liner. Based on the recent condition evaluation <br />summarized in Section 2, the recommended sanitary sewer improvements are limited to <br />replacement of the 8-inch diameter crossing at Skiles Lane east as shown in Appendix D. <br />This segment of sewer was originally constructed with a combination of VCP and CIP pipe <br />materials, which is believed to have been done as an alternative to installing a steel casing <br />pipe within the former State highway. The CIP section of pipe is in a highly deteriorated <br />condition. <br /> <br />Water Main <br />Under the Alternative 1 scenario (trail), water main along Snelling Avenue North would be <br />replaced with new ductile iron or PVC pipe due to the significant excavation and disturbance <br />required for construction of the trail and associated storm sewer system. <br /> <br />Under the Alternative 2 scenario (no trail), a majority of existing water main south of County <br />Road E is proposed to remain in-place. These segments of water main do not have a history <br />of water main breaks based on City records. Removal and replacement of water main <br />between Lemetti Lane and Bussard Court is recommended to improve reliability of the water <br />supply feed from Cummings Lane, particularly for Bussard Court, which is supplied from <br />only one direction. A water main break between Bussard and Cummings Lane would disrupt <br />water service to 19 or more homes. The locations of water main improvements are indicated <br />in Appendix D. <br />