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MVHS Trail Improvements – PW-21-0105 <br />January 11, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />ǣ̳”‘’‘•ƒŽ•̳”†‡ ‹ŽŽ•̳ʹͲʹͳ ”ƒ‹Ž̳†”ƒˆ– ”ƒ‹ŽǤ†‘…š <br /> <br />o Recommendations for the design and construction of trails (including pavement design), <br />retaining walls, utilities, and stormwater improvements <br /> <br />As discussed with the City, it is expected that City staff will help with snow clearing and traffic control as <br />needed to complete the geotechnical boring work. Bolton & Menk, and Braun, also request any soils <br />information for past projects in the area, namely the trail along Snelling Avenue, south of County Road <br />E2. <br /> <br />Task 3 Deliverables: Geotechnical report with design/construction recommendations <br /> <br />Task 4: Public Engagement <br />Bolton and Menk will facilitate one public informational meeting during the design phase of the project. <br />It is expected this meeting will be held virtually in between March-May 2021. The informational meeting <br />will allow the project team to share the preliminary concept layout and gather input from the area <br />property owners. A survey will also be shared with area property owners to gather input. <br /> <br />Task 4 Deliverables: Informational meeting letter, presentation, and survey <br /> <br />Task 5: Alternatives Review <br />Bolton & Menk will prepare up to two alignment alternatives for review with City staff. The alternatives <br />presented will share, at a high-level, impacts to right of way, existing utilities and ground features, <br />wetlands, and permitting. A preliminary cost estimate will also be provided. <br /> <br />As preliminary trail alignments are reviewed, drainage solutions and proposed BMP strategies will be <br />presented. This will include one preliminary BMP layout per trail alignment, other potential drainage <br />improvements, and a summary of challenges in meeting RCWD Rules. For instance, one effective <br />strategy for meeting stormwater requirements in RCWD is to provide a vegetated buffer on the down <br />slope at least the width of the trail. This may not be feasible in certain areas based on adjacent grades or <br />private property lines, so other BMP configurations will be necessary. Additionally, the regional BMP <br />located Valentine Park could be expanded to accommodate the new impervious area requiring treatment, <br />depending on the current size of the practice, total treatment area, and available space. <br /> <br />Task 5 Deliverables: Two plan view layouts, meeting agendas, meeting minutes <br /> <br />Task 6: Construction Plans (Final Design) <br />Bolton & Menk will complete final design and preparation of construction plans. Final design will be <br />based off the alignment alternative selected in Task 5. <br /> <br />Subtask 6.1: Plan Set <br />The project plan set will include the plan sheets as listed in the RFP: Title Sheet, SEQ, Construction <br />Notes, Standard Plates, Typical Sections, Removal Sheets, Plan & Profile sheets for Trail, drainage and <br />retaining walls, pavement restoration, Grading Plan, Erosion Control Plan, SWPPP, and Cross-Sections. <br /> <br />In anticipation of retaining walls adjacent to the trail along Snelling Avenue, we have included time to <br />prepare a plan and profile for the retaining well. It is expected that the walls will be big block walls, <br />similar to the existing wall along Snelling Avenue, south of County Road E2. Our structural engineer will <br />assist with the details for the walls.