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RSRD06039.2020 <br />2 <br />B. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />Kimley-Horn will perform the scope of work and list of <br />deliverables outlined in the Scope of Services section of <br />the Request for Proposals (RFP). An overview of tasks <br />and milestones we will achieve in order to complete <br />the development of the MVHS Trail Improvements are <br />summarized below. <br />TASK 1 - PROJECT COORDINATION <br />As illustrated in the Project Team section starting on <br />SDJH.LPOH\+RUQRIIHUVDVXSHULRUWHDPOHGE\SURMHFW <br />manager, Greg Kufahl, P.E., who will lead this project <br />through completion. Throughout the design process, Greg <br />and the team are ready to review the following project <br />information and attend and lead the following meetings. <br />Materials Review <br />We will review all available project documents including <br />as built drawings of the existing roadway, previous <br />studies and funding applications of the project area, and <br />lessons learned from previous trail extension projects that <br />the City has already completed. <br />Project Meetings <br />We will attend and lead the following meetings throughout <br />SUHOLPLQDU\DQGƄQDOGHVLJQWROHDGWKLVSURMHFWWKURXJKRXW <br />the design process. <br /> z Project kick-off meeting (1 meeting) <br /> z Project status meetings (up to 12 meetings, every 2 <br />weeks) <br /> z Stakeholder meetings: <br />• City Council meetings (up to 2 meetings) <br />• Ramsey County coordination meetings (up to 2 <br />meetings) <br />• Rice Creek Watershed District coordination <br />meetings (up to 2 meetings) <br />Task 1 Deliverables <br /> z Agendas and meeting notes for project meetings <br />TASK 2 - PROJECT SURVEY <br />Project Survey <br />Pioneer Engineering will complete a topographic survey <br />WRVXSSRUWWKHSUHOLPLQDU\DQGƄQDOGHVLJQRIWKHWUDLO <br />LPSURYHPHQWVLQFOXGLQJURDGZD\PRGLƄFDWLRQV7KH <br />survey will focus on the south side of Lake Valentine <br />Road and west side of Snelling Avenue. We anticipate <br />DSSUR[LPDWHO\ƄYHGD\VRIƄHOGVXUYH\WRSUHSDUHDQLQLWLDO <br />EDVHPDSDQGKDYHDOORWWHGWKUHHDGGLWLRQDOGD\VRIƄHOG <br />crew time to locate additional areas that may arise during <br />the design process. <br />Utility One-Call <br />We will conduct a Gopher State Utility One-Call for the <br />project area to obtain the location of the existing private <br />utilities within the project area. This information will be <br />collected and reviewed compared to the markings that <br />KDYHEHHQIRXQGLQWKHƄHOGIRULQFRUSRUDWLRQLQWRWKH <br />overall base map. <br />Project Base Map <br />The project survey base map is anticipated to be a <br />FRPSLODWLRQRIWKHUHVXOWVRIWKHƄHOGVXUYH\FROOHFWHGE\ <br />Pioneer, any data provided by the City of Arden Hills, and <br />the information gathered from the Utility One-Call. The <br />existing conditions base map will be prepared following <br />Arden Hills standards outlined in the RFP and include <br />IRRWFRQWRXUVVLJQLƄFDQWWUHHV LQFKGLDPHWHUDQG <br />larger), private landscaping elements, utilities, and property <br />lines within the project limits based on available property <br />corner monuments. The basemap will utilize Ramsey <br />&RXQW\&RRUGLQDWH6\VWHPDVVSHFLƄHGLQWKH5)3 <br />Task 2 Deliverables <br /> z 7KHFRPSOHWHG3URMHFW%DVH0DS&$'ƄOHZLOOEHVHQW <br />to City staff for review <br /> z GSOC information/data received <br />TASK 3 - GEOTECHNICAL <br />INVESTIGATION <br />American Engineering Testing will complete a <br />geotechnical investigation for the project including <br />GULOOLQJERULQJV IRRWGHSWK WRVXSSRUWWKHGHVLJQ <br />of the trail improvements. A geotechnical report will be <br />SUHSDUHGLQFOXGLQJƄHOGORJVRIWKHERULQJRSHUDWLRQ <br />SUHOLPLQDU\VRLOFODVVLƄFDWLRQDQGREVHUYHGJURXQGZDWHU <br />levels. Laboratory testing results including moisture <br />content, organic content, and soil components will be <br />tabulated. The report will provide an estimated R-value(s) <br />and subgrade preparation recommendations to support <br />the design of trail and roadway pavements as well