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RSRD06039.2020 <br />3 <br />as retaining walls that may be part of the proposed <br />improvements. <br />Task 3 Deliverables <br /> z Geotechnical report <br />TASK 4 - PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT <br />The public engagement process is vital to building <br />trust with the residents and other stakeholders in <br />the project area. The stakeholders need to feel that <br />they are well-informed of the design progress and <br />are provided ample opportunity to give meaningful <br />input on the issues that are most important to them. <br />We acknowledge that these are not typical times and <br />our approach to informing and engaging the public <br />PXVWEHPRUHFUHDWLYHDQGƅH[LEOHWKDQHYHU2XU <br />team understands this delicate balance and brings <br />forward strong city connections, trail experience, and <br />environmental expertise that will help bridge the gap <br />between engineering and community impact. <br />Task 4 Deliverables <br /> z Public meeting invitation <br /> z Prepare property owner survey <br /> z Facilitate virtual public information meeting with <br />property owners <br />TASK 5 - ALTERNATIVES REVIEW <br />We understand the importance that decisions made early <br />on during the design process have on the effectiveness <br />RIWKHƄQDOGHVLJQRIWKHSURMHFW7REHFRQƄGHQWZLWK <br />WKHGHVLJQWKDWZHFDUU\LQWRƄQDOGHVLJQZHSURSRVH <br />to analyze up to three different combinations of trail <br />DOLJQPHQWVW\SLFDOVHFWLRQVSURƄOHVDQGUHWDLQLQJZDOOV <br />for review with City staff to determine the preferred trail <br />FRQƄJXUDWLRQ$OWHUQDWLYHVZLOOFRQVLGHUDYDLODEOHULJKWRI <br />way, property owner impacts, drainage and environmental <br />impacts, project costs, and public input to determine the <br />preferred alternative. <br />Task 5 Deliverables <br /> z 7KUHH  DOWHUQDWLYHWUDLOOD\RXWVKLJKOLJKWLQJWKHRYHUDOO <br />impacts of each layout <br /> z Evaluation matrix to rank proposed alternatives <br /> z Meeting agenda, materials, and minutes for <br />alternatives review meeting <br />TASK 6 - CONSTRUCTION PLANS <br />:HZLOOGHYHORSDVHWRIDQG <br />construction plans according to the plan sheets that have <br />EHHQLGHQWLƄHGLQWKH5)3$OOFRQVWUXFWLRQSODQVKHHWV <br />will be designed to State Aid design standards and meet <br />all City and County standards required for plan approvals. <br />Kimley-Horn’s experience with trail design within Ramsey <br />County will help to make sure all applicable design <br />information required for each submittal will be included to <br />help facilitate the design reviews. Comment disposition <br />and resolution forms will be included along with each <br />submittal to help make sure that each comment is <br />addressed prior to the next submittal. <br />Task 6 Deliverables <br /> z DQGSODQVDQG23& <br /> z Comment disposition and resolution forms with each <br />submittal <br /> z 3URYLGHWKUHH  SDSHUFRSLHVDQGD3')GLJLWDOFRS\ <br />RIƄQDOSODQV <br />TASK 7 - EASEMENT DOCUMENTS <br />Pioneer Engineering will review Title Commitments <br />(provided by Arden Hills or Ramsey County) and <br />prepare temporary and/or permanent easement <br />GRFXPHQWVIRUXSWRSDUFHOVEDVHGRQWKH <br />construction requirements associated with the <br />approved plans. The easement documents will consist <br />of a drawing and legal description by parcel suitable for <br />recording with Ramsey County. Boundary information <br />is assumed to be based on property corner monuments <br />located as a part of the topographic survey and does <br />not assume individual boundary surveys by parcel. <br />Task 7 Deliverables <br /> z (DVHPHQWGRFXPHQWVIRUXSWRSDUFHOV <br />TASK 8 – COUNTY COORDINATION <br />Kimley-Horn has completed dozens of projects for <br />5DPVH\&RXQW\VLQFHRSHQLQJRXU7ZLQ&LWLHVRIƄFHLQ <br />2002, including recent trail projects such as the Bruce <br />Vento Trail Final Design and South Shore Trail. As a result, <br />our team has extensive experience coordinating project <br />efforts with Ramsey County. Kimley-Horn is thoroughly <br />familiar with the County’s processes and procedures and <br />our staff maintains solid professional relationships with <br />County staff. This allows our team to successfully and