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Grey Fox Road Redevelopment – Arden Hills <br />Traffic Impact Analysis │ July 2021 <br />4 <br /> <br />INTRODUCTION <br />Launch Properties is proposing a 19,209-square foot supermarket, an 1,850-square foot walk-in bank, and <br />a 3,550-square foot restaurant with a drive through on the northwest corner of the intersection of Lexington <br />Avenue & Grey Fox Road in Arden Hills, MN. The site is currently industrial and manufacturing land uses. <br />The existing site is an approximately 56,000-square foot, industrial use building. Exhibit 1 shows the <br />proposed project location. All exhibits are included in Appendix A. <br />EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS <br />The proposed development is located on the northwest corner of Lexington Avenue & Grey Fox Road in <br />Arden Hills, Minnesota. The following intersections will be included in the traffic capacity analysis: <br />x Lexington Avenue and Grey Fox Road <br />x Grey Fox Road and Site Access 1 (East) <br />x Grey Fox Road and Site Access 2 (West) <br />The study intersections listed above are shown in Exhibit 1. <br />EXISTING ROADWAYS <br />Access to the development will be on Grey Fox Road. Following provides a detailed description of the <br />surrounding roadways. <br />Lexington Avenue (CSAH 51) is currently a north-south five-lane undivided County State Aid <br />Highway (CSAH) with two lanes in each direction and a two way left turn lane, however in spring <br />of 2022 construction is planned to convert the roadway to a four-lane divided roadway, these <br />geometric changes will be incorporated into the Opening Year (2023) and Design Year (2040) <br />models. The MnDOT Functional Classification System Map classifies Lexington Avenue as a Minor <br />Arterial Roadway. The MnDOT Traffic Mapping Application reports an annual average daily traffic <br />(AADT) of 21,300 vehicles per day (vpd) in 2019 on Lexington Avenue. The posted speed limit on <br />Lexington Avenue is 40 miles per hour (mph). <br />Grey Fox Road is a two-lane east-west roadway with one lane in each direction. Grey Fox Road <br />is classified as a Local Road according to the MnDOT Functional Classification System Map. The <br />MnDOT Traffic Mapping Application reports the AADT on Grey Fox Road as 3,450 vpd in 2017. <br />The current posted speed limit on Grey Fox Road is 30 mph. <br />Exhibit 2 provides the future intersection geometry and intersection control for the study intersections. <br />EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES <br />To analyze the traffic operations at the study intersection, weekday peak period turning movement counts <br />were collected on Thursday, June 17, 2021. Exhibit 3 provides a summary of the weekday AM and PM <br />peak hour turning traffic volumes. The turning movement count data is provided in Appendix B. <br />The network AM peak hour was determined to be 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM and the network PM peak hour was <br />determined to be 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM.