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5 Grey Fox Road Redevelopment – Arden Hills <br />Traffic Impact Analysis │ July 2021 <br /> <br />The 2021 turning movement counts were compared to historic AADT on Lexington Avenue and Grey Fox <br />Road and 2018 turning movement counts in the area to determine if there are still variations in traffic <br />volumes due to COVID-19. Overall, the 2021 turning movement counts were greater than historic AADT <br />and the peak hour volumes were similar to the 2018 turning movement counts so an adjustment factor was <br />not applied to the turning movement counts. <br />BACKGROUND GROWTH AND COMMITTED TRAFFIC <br />Historical AADT data provided by MnDOT’s Interactive Traffic Mapping Application and the Lexington <br />Station Phase 3 Traffic Study conducted by SRF in February 2021 were reviewed to develop a background <br />growth rate to forecast peak hour volumes at the study intersections for Opening Year (2023) and Design <br />Year (2040). Based on historic growth rates and prior traffic study, a 0.5% annual growth rate was applied <br />to the Existing (2021) traffic volumes to develop the Opening Year (2023) and Design Year (2040) turning <br />movement volumes. <br />In addition to background growth, the trips generated by the Phase 3 of the Lexington Station Development <br />were added to study intersections, these trips were assigned as documented in the Lexington Station Phase <br />3 Traffic Study for all analysis scenarios. <br />With the reconstruction of Lexington Avenue, the access approximately 500 feet south of the Lexington <br />Avenue & Grey Fox Road, that serves Cub Foods and the strip mall to the south will be converted to a ¾ <br />access. This would result in the eastbound left turning traffic destined to the north at the access to reroute <br />to the Grey Fox Road & Lexington Avenue signal. The redistributed exiting volumes were taken from the <br />Lexington Avenue Reconstruction (I-694 to CR E) Traffic Study completed in April 2019 by Alliant <br />Engineering; these redistributed trips were included at the study area intersections for all analysis <br />scenarios. <br />Exhibit 4 shows the Opening Year No-Build (2023) turning movement volumes and Exhibit 5 shows the <br />Horizon Year No-Build (2040) turning movement volumes. <br />PEDESTRIANS AND BICYCLES <br />There is an existing trail on the east side of Lexington Avenue, on the west side of Lexington Avenue there <br />is a sidewalk south of Grey Fox Road. There are marked crosswalks and pedestrian push-buttons on all <br />approaches of Lexington Avenue & Grey Fox Road. There are no sidewalks adjacent to the site on Grey <br />Fox Road. <br />With the Lexington Avenue Reconstruction Project that is scheduled to be constructed in 2022, pedestrian <br />facilities will be improved. Additionally, the sidewalk west of Lexington Avenue will be extended to the north <br />to Red Fox Road, providing pedestrian facilities on both sides of Lexington Avenue. An east-west sidewalk <br />is proposed running east-west along the southern boundary of the proposed site (i.e. on the north side of <br />Grey Fox Road) that would provide a pedestrian facility along Grey Fox Road. <br />PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT <br />SITE TRIP GENERATION <br />The trip-generating potential of the proposed development was calculated using the Institute of <br />Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, Tenth Edition. Standard ITE trip rates were used <br />to develop the anticipated total trips generated by the site.