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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION –December 8, 2021 4 <br />He suggested these be restricted during school hours to keep traffic from crossing in front of the <br />signal. <br />Jake Bongard, Traffic Engineer with Bolton & Menk, indicated this was something that was <br />discussed and he understood how important it was to keep people away from the crossing. He <br />stated the difficulty was that when trying to control movements, this had to be done with raised <br />surfaces, otherwise it becomes an enforcement issue. He noted signing could be looked at. He <br />reported the other thing that was discussed was that it would be easier for people to use the east <br />access to go east. His hope would be that people would attempt to avoid the crossing signal. <br />Commissioner Weber commented the last time he saw this he recommended medians be <br />installed. He stated signage would be another option. He then reviewed ADA requirements <br />regarding curb ramps. He recommended the ramps be changed to one directional ramps. <br />Mr. Bongard indicated this was something he could review. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman suggested the area have runway lights in order to delineate the <br />walkway for the pedestrians using the crosswalk. <br />Planning Consultant Kansier reported there were street lights in this area. <br />Commissioner Weber stated ground lighting may be difficult and wouldn’t work in the winter <br />months when covered by snow and ice. He noted the crosswalk would be painted and illuminated <br />by street lights. <br />Chair Vijums asked if Commissioner Zimmerman was making a suggestion or would he like the <br />lighting be made a condition for approval. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman commented he would like this to be a suggestion that the applicant <br />looks into further. <br />Tyler Erdahl, Wold Architects and Engineers, believed the new light poles within the parking <br />lot, along with the street lights would provide adequate light the site. He noted the striping <br />would also be improved. <br />Chair Vijums asked how 119 parking spaces were lost from the original plan. <br />Planning Consultant Kansier stated these spots were lost due to the islands and drive aisles. <br />Chair Vijums questioned if the Commission supported the applicant providing additional <br />parking spaces if the landscaped islands were eliminated. <br />Commissioner Wicklund commented he would like to hear from the applicant regarding this <br />matter. He wanted to better understand if the school would appreciate having more parking <br />spaces, or was the 591 parking spaces sufficient. DRAFTrunway lights in ordrunway lights <br />were street lights in this street ligh <br />hting may be difficult ang may be difficul <br />. He noted the crosswaloted the crosswal <br />missioner Zimmerman wissioner Zimmerman <br />on for approval. approval. <br />mermanmerm commented heommented h <br />hitects anhitects an <br />ghtsghts