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traverse the preserve, connecting the Civic Center area with the Joint Athletic <br /> Facility and Rice Creek corridor to the west; and connecting to the City of <br /> Shoreview on the north at County Road I. <br /> TRAILS <br /> South of Highway 496 <br /> Because Arden Hills is crossed by several major roadways, travel by foot or bike <br /> between certain areas of the community is nearly impossible. Several trail <br /> connections are planned in order to link areas of the City with each other, as well <br /> as linking to surrounding communities. Many regional destinations, including <br /> Tony Schmidt Lake Johanna County Park, Long Lake Regional Park, Como <br /> Park, and Shoreview Community Center could be easily accessed through a <br /> connected trail system. <br /> In addition to recreation opportunities, trail connections can provide an <br /> alternative transportation system. Several major employers are located in Arden <br /> Hills and with a connected system, commuters will have the opportunity to use <br /> the trail system to reach work. <br /> Map 5.1 shows existing and future parks and trails. Some of the planned trail <br /> links include a new pedestrian crossing to complete the connection. These <br /> connections will allow safer pedestrian and bike travel throughout the city and <br /> connecting to the surrounding communities. Most of the planned trails are along <br /> roads. Connections around Round Lake, Valentine Lake, and Lake Johanna are <br /> also planned. <br /> Two (2) rail bridges over 1-35W are planned to become pedestrian linkages: <br /> a. A spur from New Brighton into the Gateway Business Area is <br /> minimally used, and can provide a pedestrian-'bicycle connection from <br /> the Round Lake area to Long Lake Regional Park and downtown New <br /> Brighton. <br /> b. A spur from Mounds View into the TCAAP area is no longer used, and <br /> will be a connection into the TCAAP area. This rail line is north of <br /> Highway r96 and crosses 1-35W south of the Highway -10 <br /> intersection. <br /> The existing bridges provide a cost-efficient opportunity to adapt existing bridge <br /> facilities for current trail needs. <br /> Page 5 of 8 <br />