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DRAFT <br /> city our size with a 1/4 - 1/2 mile radius between parks. She noted that when the TCAAP area is <br /> developed neighborhood parks should be planned to be 10-20 acres is size and spread 1/4 mile <br /> apart. A community park would be located next to City Hall. Trails would connect the entire • <br /> system and offer routes in and out of the community. Trails would all be separate from the <br /> roadway. The Comprehensive Plan also shows the railroad bridge in the TCAAP area as a <br /> future pedestrian bridge. Ms. O'Connell noted that the TCAAP area is purely conceptual. <br /> Other areas of the Comprehensive Plan that were discussed <br /> Comprehensive Plan will show the areas at Snelling Avenue/County Road E and the Royal <br /> Hills/Highway 10 area as future pedestrian crossings. <br /> The Comprehensive Plan also shows trails around both Bethel and Northwestern College as part <br /> of a possible public/private partnership. Ms.Walsh has had conversations with both colleges <br /> about connecting some of the trails throughout their campus to the City's trail system. <br /> The Parks and Recreation Commission did voice strong opinions about noting in all City <br /> documents about the County Road E bridge and the need for a safe pedestrian crossing. <br /> Ms. O'Connell noted that open space and park area will be a separate map. <br /> RENAMING LINDEY'S TRIANGLE <br /> The Parks and Recreation Commission members discussed this issue and felt that the park <br /> should not be named after a person. Dorothy McClung made a motion to rename Lindey's <br /> Triangle Arden Meadows and was seconded by Mary Robinson and was passed unanimously. • <br /> DEPARTMENT REPORTS <br /> A. PROGRAM <br /> 1. Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 11, at Cummings Park. <br /> 2. Vacation Day Events were held March 23-27. <br /> 3. The summer brochure is currently being worked on and will be distributed the week of <br /> April 20. <br /> 4. Preparing for the start of Adult Softball the week of April 27. <br /> B. DIRECTOR <br /> 1. Ms. Walsh has submitted a trail grant for the County Road F. <br /> 2. Ms. Walsh continues to meet with Mounds View, New Brighton, Shoreview, School <br /> District 621, and area Youth Athletic Association to discuss joint facility needs. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. <br /> 2 • <br />