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t <br /> There will be a Town Hall meeting on Saturday, January 25 at 9:00 a.m. at Bethel <br /> College. There will be booths setup with different information available to the residents, <br /> and a question and answer session. a <br /> RESIDENT MEETING (HAZELNUT PARK) TO DISCUSS TRAIL ACCESS AN <br /> PLAYSTRUCTURE <br /> Date and Time <br /> The meeting is set for Tuesday, January 21, 1997 at 7:30 p.m. at the Army Reserve <br /> Center. The Committee will meet at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Meeting Agenda <br /> The issues that will be discussed at the meeting are the access points to Jerrold Avenue, <br /> Katie Lane, Katie Court, and Edgewater Avenue. The access points are 10 feet wide. <br /> There have been requests by the residents to upgrade all three (3) areas. <br /> The Hazelnut Playstructure has been budgeted for$30,000. Give some examples of some <br /> equipment, show the residents the pictures of Perry Park playstructure. The Committee <br /> needs to determine if the playstructure should be ADA Accessible or meet the needs of <br /> the special needs children. If the Committee decides to go with the playstructure to meet <br /> the special needs children and not the ADA Accessible children, then the playstructure <br /> needs to have access points for the future to have ADA Accessibility incorporated into <br /> the structure. <br /> Notification to residents • <br /> The residents will have to be notified a week to a week and a half in advance of the <br /> January 21, 1997 meeting. The residents that will be notified will be; Jerrold Avenue. <br /> Edgewater Avenue, Katie Lane, Katie Court, and Glenpaul Avenue, New Brighton Road <br /> and Stowe Avenue. Ms. Walsh will also put a notice in the newspaper. <br /> Pictures and access of the current playstructure <br /> Ms. Walsh showed the Committee the pictures of the trail access areas and the current <br /> playstructure. There was some brief discussion of the pictures. <br /> PERRY PARK PROJECT COST SUMMARY <br /> Ms. Walsh presented the Committee with the project cost summary. The report is about <br /> 98% final. There are a few items that need to be finished this spring on the playstructure. <br /> PARK FUND REPORT <br /> The current Park Fund balance is $484,842.94, not including interest. There is still a <br /> payment of$75,000-$78,000 left to be made on the trail project. Ms. Walsh stated that <br /> she would give the Committee an update this summer. The trail project is just about <br /> completed, there are a few items left to do next spring, for example picking up the debris, <br /> 2 <br /> • <br />