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Page 6 of 17 <br /> <br />2. Design Standards - Section 1325.05 and 1325.055 <br /> <br />A. Lighting, Screening and Fencing, Landscaping, Parking Setbacks, Pedestrian and <br />Bicycle Circulation – Meets Requirements <br />The specifics of each of these are discussed more fully in the Planning Commission report. The <br />Applicant has submitted a revised landscaping plan since the Planning Commission review <br />compliant with the 25% minimum landscape lot area. <br /> <br />This proposal meets all of the above listed district standard requirements. <br /> <br />B. Building Positioning – Flexibility Requested <br />• Section 1325.05 Subd. 8, E of the Arden Hills City Code states “at least fifty percent (50%) <br />of the largest building on each site shall be constructed at the front setback line.” The <br />Applicant is requesting flexibility on this requirement. <br />• The front setback in the B-3 District is 50 feet from the property line. <br /> <br />The proposed multi-tenant building will be 58.7 feet from the property line abutting Lexington <br />Avenue and 130.6 feet from the property line abutting Grey Fox Road. <br /> <br />Upon further analysis of the car wash floor plan it has been determined that the car wash building <br />would also require flexibility for building positioning. The car wash front elevation of the building <br />along Grey Fox Road is 45.4 feet wide. Therefore, the Applicant would be required to construct <br />22.7 feet of the building at the front setback line to satisfy the 50% requirement. In the proposed <br />Rocket Car Wash design, the building has 18.25 feet of the building constructed at the 50 foot <br />front setback line. <br /> <br />C. Exterior Materials – Flexibility Requested <br />• Minimum 75% of the exterior building materials should be made of brick masonry, tile <br />masonry, natural stone or its synthetic equivalent, decorative concrete plank, transparent <br />glass or any combination thereof. <br />• Undesirable materials include simulated brick, vinyl or aluminum siding, sheet or <br />corrugated metal siding, plain concrete blocks or panels, brightly colored metal roofing or <br />canopies, pre-cast tilt-up walls, and mirrored or reflective glass. <br />• Building colors shall be muted. Recommended colors include browns, grays, tans, beiges, <br />and dark or muted green, blues, and reds. Bright or brilliant colors and sharply contrasting <br />colors may be used for only accent purposes occupying a maximum of five percent (5%) <br />of building façades. <br />• Minimum 50% of all first level building façades that front a public street shall be comprised <br />of transparent windows or doors in order to allow views of interior uses and activities. <br /> <br />Multi-Tenant Building – Meets Requirements <br />The Applicant has met the 75% threshold with desired materials on all four elevations between the <br />use of the brick masonry and fiber cement panels. Transparent glass is proposed on three <br />elevations with opaque glass only on the north elevation. The Applicant has met the 50% <br />transparency requirement on the east side facing Lexington Avenue and on the south side facing <br />Grey Fox Road. The multi-tenant building design has a variation in rooflines as an identifier to