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Page 15 of 17 <br /> <br />the proposal. The Applicant intends to utilize two accesses for the proposed development. Access <br />1 will be located on the north side of Grey Fox Road, approximately 240 feet west of Lexington <br />Avenue, with one egress lanes and one ingress lane. Access 1 will be aligned with the existing Cub <br />Foods access to the south to minimize conflict areas. Access 2 will also be located on Grey Fox <br />Road, approximately 360 feet west of Lexington Avenue, with one egress lane and one ingress <br />lane. A traffic study has been prepared (see Attachment I for summary section of report). <br /> <br />During the previous reviews, the Applicant was asked to demonstrate how semitrailer traffic would <br />maneuver around the Subject Property. Since the Planning Commission review, the Applicant has <br />submitted a plan illustrating vehicle movements. The pedestrian routes were identified as part of <br />the civil plan exhibits. <br /> <br />Plan Evaluation Summary <br /> <br />The table below provides the performance standards for the B-3 District and the preliminary <br />analysis for the proposed development: <br /> <br />Ordinance Requirements B-3 District Standards Proposed Development <br />Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 0.8 0.12 <br />Maximum Building Height 35 feet Multi-Tenant – 22 ft. 4 in. <br />Car Wash – 35 ft. <br />Maximum Structure Coverage 40% 12% <br />Minimum Landscape Lot Area 25% 25% <br />Minimum Front Yard Setback 50 feet Multi-Tenant: +/- 58 ft. – Lexington <br />Avenue and +/- 128 ft. Grey Fox <br />Road <br /> <br />Car Wash: 50 ft. – Grey Fox Road <br />Minimum Rear Yard Setback 20 feet Multi-Tenant: 45 ft. (north) <br />Car Wash: 57 ft. <br />Minimum Side Yard Setback 20 feet (min)/ <br />40 feet (total) <br />Multi-Tenant: 90 ft. (min) / N/A <br />corner lot (total) <br />Car Wash: 40 ft. (east) and 63 ft. <br />(west) <br />Building Positioning 50% At Front Setback = 50 <br />feet <br />Multi-Tenant: +/- 58 ft. – Lexington, <br />+/- 130 ft. – Grey Fox Road <br />Car Wash: Less than 50% at 50 ft. <br />Minimum Parking Requirements Multi-Tenant – 54 spaces <br />Car Wash - <br />Recommendation from PC <br />77 total stalls <br />Off-Street Parking Setbacks 20 feet from ROW 20 feet <br />Building Façade Transparency 50% transparency at front Seeking flexibility on single-tenant <br />car wash – south facade <br />Building Materials 75% brick, tile, natural <br />stone, decorative concrete, <br />transparent glass or any <br />combination thereof <br />Seeking flexibility on single-tenant <br />car wash – north and south facades <br />Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation 6 foot sidewalk & Bike <br />Rack <br />None along Lexington Avenue – <br />Defers to project <br />6 foot sidewalk – Grey Fox Road <br />Bike Rack – Multi-tenant <br />Freestanding Sign Copy Area 100 square feet 95 square feet