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• Cummings Park Shelter <br /> Miller stated that, in discussions with Parks Director Buckley, it was <br /> determined that the shelter would be used primarily as a warming house in the <br /> winter months, and as a rain shelter and for storage of program materials <br /> during the summer months. It would be desirable, but not feasible, to have the <br /> open air picnic shelter and the warming house similar in design and roof style. <br /> Miller presented three proposals for consideration: <br /> - Permanent, concrete shelter with toilets - $80,000 to $100,000 <br /> - Prefab building with plumbing - $40,000 to $50,000 <br /> - Prefab building without plumbing - $10,000 to $12,000 <br /> Because of the limited usage and potential cost of a permanent shelter, Miller <br /> recommended that the committee consider a garage-type structure. He felt it <br /> could be very attractive, using a hip roof design rather than gable roof, <br /> quality siding, large over-hangs, and 'having the front side extended to create <br /> a "porch" effect. <br /> Committee asked that Miller prepare a shelter design for the next meeting. <br /> (Shelter should be garage-type structure with attractive roof design, large <br /> over hangs and porch effect - without plumbing). Specifications for bidding <br /> should also be prepared. <br /> North Snelling Park Master Plan <br /> Miller presented a master plan for this park which has an informal playing <br /> • field at the north end, possible future tennis courts above that area, (along <br /> Snelling Avenue); play equipment along Snelling comes next, (close to the high <br /> area) and the highest point left undisturbed for an observation area, with some <br /> park benches added. <br /> After walking the property, Miller had concluded that the athletic field should <br /> be graded to the natural creek run-off area, and that this area would then make <br /> a good, natural buffer between the park and the Church area. <br /> Miller estimated the cost of the grading for this plan to be $4,500 to $6,000. <br /> Anderson asked if the Church might do the grading for the Village. Miller did <br /> not think this likely. <br /> It was moved by Gillies, seconded by Anderson, that Miller be asked to prepare <br /> grading specifications, and check with the Church engineer and grading <br /> contractor for cost of grading area this summer. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Miller added that when walking the site, he found that the Church did deposit <br /> soil from the holding pond construction and material for building drainage; <br /> however, the natural topography was not disturbed. <br /> Mulcahy stated that, since the April minutes reflected the concern Committee <br /> members had that the park site had been disturbed without prior clearance, the <br /> May minutes should mention that the original topography was not disturbed by <br /> the Church contractors. <br /> Street Lighting Guidelines <br /> • Mr. Malone explained that the Public Safety/Works Committee is presently <br />