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Minutes of Regular Parks Committee Meeting, April 22 <br /> • Page Z <br /> included an informal neighborhood playing field, playground equipment, informal <br /> picnic area, tennis court and hard court area, and a sliding hill, at different <br /> locations on the site. <br /> Committee comments included: <br /> 1. Including all of these amenities causes the site to seem crowded. Why was <br /> a tennis court included? Buckley replied that he had asked Miller to include <br /> this in the plans because parks survey showed residents rated tennis courts as <br /> a high priority for their neighborhood parks. Committee agreed that all of the <br /> tennis courts in the parks are used almost constantly. Buckley added that the <br /> Bethel courts are available to residents now, but are in very poor conditions; <br /> he is considering a "joint powers agreement" with Bethel whereby Parks crews <br /> would repair Bethel's courts, with the understanding that they can be freely <br /> used by Arden Hills' residents. This could eliminate the need for one at this <br /> site. Miller stated that if the area were to remain passive, extensive <br /> reforestation would have to be done. <br /> 2. All three plans show the informal playing field at the top (north) of the <br /> site. Peterson asked if a culvert could be installed, eliminating the need for <br /> a ravine at the top of the site, so the top 70' could be developed as usable <br /> space. <br /> 3. It was asked if neighborhood input should be solicited before making plans <br /> for the site. Buckley stated that the park area is small and the neighborhood <br /> not yet sufficiently developed to make this feasible. <br /> 4. No parking area is planned. Since this is intended as a neighborhood park <br /> only, Buckley did not see the need for parking. However, since the area is <br /> bordered by Snelling and Highway 10, streets on which it would be very <br /> difficult to park on, some committee members felt a small parking area might be <br /> desirable. <br /> 5. Anderson said that tennis courts seem to be used much more than <br /> neighborhood playing fields; suggested installing tennis court in the area <br /> intended for playing field. Miller recommends, for expediency, that the field <br /> be graded now; options for its use can be determined later. <br /> The bottom tip of the site (south) has a nice hill. Committee concurred with <br /> Miller's recommendation that this be preserved as it is, and used as family <br /> picnic area, with possible sliding hill. <br /> Committee generally felt that, as long as the Church is presently grading in <br /> the area, we should work with them, to try to get a usable, finished grade; and <br /> have them fill area as it is needed. <br /> Buckley stated his preference that the pond be planned to have a marshy <br /> appearance (cat tails, etc. ) <br /> • <br />