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Minutes of Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting, January 26 <br /> • Page 2 <br /> secure a west access to Ingerson Park this year, it is included in the budget <br /> plans because the access is badly needed, so if the opportunity arises, we must <br /> be prepared to take advantage of it. Commmittee suggested adding $1,000 to the <br /> 1988 plan for planner services, should they be needed, and $600 for <br /> color-coating of play area at Sampson Park (deferred from 1987 plan due to lack <br /> of time) . With these additions, it was moved by Montgomery, seconded by <br /> Messerly, that the 1988 Park Development Plan (attached) be recommended to <br /> Council for approval. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Crepeau Nature Preserve <br /> Messerly reported that the prairie area will be burned this year; this is the <br /> third year since the initial planting, and he expects the area to be especially <br /> beautiful this year. <br /> Committee discussed continuing problem of encroachment (debris and vehicles) by <br /> the person living at 3390 Dunlap, and requested a letter be sent to him <br /> informing him of City ordinance concerning this. <br /> Council Report <br /> Council-member Hansen discussed recent Council actions of interest to this <br /> committee, including Kem Milling odor emission problems, and status of the <br /> U. S. Army Reserve Project. <br /> • Report on Army Reserve Construction (Twin City Arsenal) <br /> Council-member Hansen related Council discussions thus far, and the frustrations <br /> encountered in attempting to contact Army officials to discuss the proposed <br /> construction. Committee members noted (1) it is difficult to get any dialogue. <br /> going with these officials, need a strong argument to get their attention; <br /> feels strongly that it is possible to negotiate with the Army after "you get <br /> their attention"; (2) would recommend attempting to halt the development as <br /> planned using every means possible to the City; (3) any means available to the <br /> City to force the Army to discuss the proposed project and consider the City's <br /> wishes should be used. Committee concerns included traffic problems, <br /> environmental problems, etc. Committee strongly feels the best usage of the <br /> entire tract of land would be as park area and open space; suggested working <br /> with other governmental entities as well (Ramsey, Metropolitan Council, the <br /> State) to attempt to have it converted to some recreational purpose, i.e. <br /> regional, county or state park area. <br /> It was moved by Messerly, seconded by Sand, that Committee recommend to Council <br /> that a strong policy be adopted favoring the preservation, in a natural state, <br /> of the easterly portion of the Twin City Arsenal property, in particular that <br /> land lying east of the northerly extension of Hamline Avenue. Any development <br /> on the easterly portion of the Arsenal could be inconsistent with a sound, long <br /> term land use policy. In light of the Army's interest in developing a Reserve <br /> Training Center on Arsenal property, the Committee believes the Council must <br /> address the long term future use of the undeveloped Arsenal property. Failure <br /> to adopt a clear policy at this time may foreclose the City from playing a lead <br /> role in the future of this unique public asset. The Committee suggests to the <br /> Council that other public officials be advised of our concerns and interests so <br /> • that the future of this property may be considered and protected for future <br />