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MINUTES OF THE ARDEN HILLS REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br /> WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1989, 7:30 P.M. - CITY HALL <br /> CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, Chairman Probst <br /> called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. <br /> • ROLL CALL The roll being called the following members were present: <br /> Chairman Dennis Probst, Members Raymond McGraw, Scott <br /> Petersen, Dorothy Zehm, Dan Ashbach, and Jeanne Winiecki. Member Piotrowski <br /> arrived at 7:35 p.m. Absent: Members Dave Carlson and Peter Martin. Also present: <br /> Planner John Bergly, Councilmember JoAnn Growe, Clerk Administrator Gary Berger <br /> and Deputy Clerk Catherine Iago. <br /> APPROVE MINUTES Winiecki moved, seconded by Zehm, that the October 4, <br /> 1989,Planning Commission Minutes be approved as <br /> submitted. Motion carried unanimously. (6-0) <br /> CASE #89-19; AMEND Chairman Probst opened the Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m. <br /> SUP, TWO SATELLITE and Deputy Clerk Iago verified that the Notice of Hearing <br /> DISH ANTENNAE, 1201 was published in the New Brighton Bulletin on October 18 <br /> W. COUNTY ROAD E, and mailed to affected property owners on October 13, <br /> MCGUIRES INN 1989. <br /> Planner Bergly reviewed his report of 11-1-89 relative to the request to allow <br /> relocation and operation of two 3.7-meter receiving dish antennae at McGuire's <br /> Inn. He explained approximately one year ago Council had granted approval of the <br /> two antennae directly behind the building, in the parking lot area. Bergly stated <br /> he has had discussions with the applicant since that time relative to screening <br /> or relocation of the antennae. <br /> Bergly stated the applicant proposes to relocate the two dishes to the rear of <br /> the site between the parking lot and the railroad. He noted at this proposed <br /> location, the dishes will be much less obtrusive than at their present location. <br /> The Planner reviewed the view of the dishes from off-site along Lexington Avenue <br /> and County Road E. He advised screening is proposed by the placement of four (4) <br /> ten-foot evergreen trees on the east side of the dishes; a large deciduous tree <br /> near the dishes will also provide screening except when the tree is without <br /> leaves. He also noted screening from the north is accomplished by the elevation <br /> of the railroad; a small portion of the dishes will be visible from the north, <br /> however, the 2 or 3 industrial buildings to the north have no openings on the <br /> rear of their buildings. <br /> Bergly advised the current placement of the dishes occupy approximately eight <br /> parking spaces; if the trees are placed in the green space area to the rear of <br /> the parcel additional screening could be provided by placement of a small <br /> landscaped island. <br /> The Planner recommended approval of the amended special use permit to allow the <br /> relocation as proposed based on the fact the new location is superior to the <br /> present location and provides the opportunity for more effective screening. <br /> Bergly reviewed four conditions for approval listed in his report which relate to <br /> screening, painting the dish a neutral color, landscape installation and the <br /> dishes proximity to the ground. <br /> Steve Kappler, General Manager of McGuire's Inn and a representative of the <br /> • company which will relocate the dishes, were present. Kappler stated relocation <br /> of the dishes will benefit both McGuires and the City. He explained he has been <br /> advised that painting the dish antennae will void the manufacturer ten-year <br /> warranty and he requested that condition not be included in the approval. Kappler <br /> stated he would be agreeable to adequately screen the dishes. <br />