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BMP#5 (drainage from parking lots and road), but not the BMP#1 goal of <br />filtration. David Swearingen reiterated that the filtration goal would need to be <br />addressed in the future as BMP#1 Phase II. Specifically, the city will address both <br />the BMP#1 Phase II and the Karth Lake pump site retaining wall replacement as <br />part of the 2026 Pavement Management Program to repave Amble Drive and <br />other streets around Karth Lake. Furthermore, the budgeted money for replacing <br />the retaining wall replacement in 2023 has been moved to the 2026 effort, but will <br />not be forfeited. This issue is on hold for now. <br /> <br />5.2. Add Grit Chambers to storm drains that empty into Karth Lake and do not <br />have Grit Chambers now. Next Steps: Show map of existing storm drains and grit <br />chambers that empty into Karth Lake. David Swearingen <br />5.2.1 Background: This item was mostly resolved on 4/12/22 except David said <br />he would obtain a map of the storm drains and grit chambers to share. <br /> <br />Discussion: David did bring copies of a map of grit chambers around Karth Lake, <br />attached. He concluded that all storm drain inputs to Karth Lake have grit <br />chambers. The map below shows grit chambers on 5 of 6 inputs. Although the <br />Lexington input does not show a grit chamber, David displayed an online map of <br />drainage on the east side of Lexington that has the effect of a grit chamber via <br />ponds and a control structure that limits the rate of water flow. Note that the <br />yellow line from the pump site Cummings Park Drive is the outward flow of <br />water when the pump is operating, so is not an input. This issue is resolved. <br /> <br />5.3. Karth Lake water level modeling and management process progress report. <br />Renee Marino <br />5.3.1 Background: Renee Marino’s Hypothesis: a revision to the pump <br />management policy can reduce water level bounce (i.e., range of high and low <br />levels), which can improve lake quality and its environment while appropriately <br />mitigating risk of damage to shoreline properties. <br />Action from 4/12/22 Meeting: Renee to coordinate launching the modeling effort <br />with Rice Creek Watershed and work with the DNR to get a lake gauge installed <br />and begin taking measurements. Measurements are now posted here: <br /> <br /> <br />Discussion: Renée Marino reported that Matt Kocian from Rice Creek Watershed <br />District said he would launch the modeling effort with their hydrologist before <br />agreeing to a meeting with the city and board members. Although they had <br />spoken during the summer of 2022, she was unable to get an update on the status <br />prior to this meeting. <br /> <br />With regards to the DNR gauge reading volunteer program, Renée Marino and <br />Jim Elliott took all readings in 2022. Renée has asked the DNR if they could <br />relocate the gauge to the end of the path west of the pump. Its current location <br />next to the old gauges at pump site has required stepping down the retaining wall <br />to the shore in order to read the gauge with the accuracy required by the DNR.