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The City of Arden Hills is seeking professional engineering and construction <br />services to assist with the 2024 PMP Street and Utility Improvements <br />project. We have reviewed in detail the full request for proposals (RFP), <br />proposed project improvements maps, storm sewer field inspection notes, <br />and the Pavement Evaluation Report. Additionally, we have conducted <br />our own field site visit to better understand the project area and identify <br />potential unique project considerations. <br />We understand the project area includes Keithson Drive from Highway 96 <br />W to the south 800 feet, Royal Hills Drive from Snelling Avenue N to Arden <br />View Drive, Arden Vista Court, McClung Drive, Colleen Avenue, Colleen <br />Circle, Briarknoll Circle, Briarknoll Drive, Norma Avenue from Dawn Circle to <br />Colleen Avenue, James Avenue, and Royal Lane. The major project elements <br />are anticipated to include roadway improvements, select storm structure <br />reconstructions, select watermain upgrades, and pond dredging. The project <br />area does not include any parallel sidewalks or trails; it is assumed that no <br />ADA improvements/design will be necessary. <br />The 2024 PMP Street and Utility Improvements project is identified within <br />the City of Arden Hill's current Capital Improvement Plan for construction <br />in 2024. The project area is generally bounded by Snelling Avenue N to the <br />west, Hamline Avenue to the east, County Road 96 W to the north, and Floral <br />Drive to the south. The project area contains rolling topography and has <br />a high point near County Road 96 W and Hamline Avenue which generally <br />slopes downhill to the southwest. The project area is primarily residential, <br />made up from 10 developments identified in the RFP as having been <br />completed between 1976 and 1986. During development, the public utilities <br />were constructed with polyvinyl chloride (PVC) sanitary sewer, ductile iron <br />pipe (DIP) watermain, and included stormwater management ponds. <br />The city has indicated that staff have all record drawings available for <br />the project area, with the exception of the stormwater ponds. Since the <br />infrastructure's initial construction, city pavement management records <br />indicate the most recent structural pavement improvement projects include <br />• Keithson Drive —1994 Reconstruction <br />• Royal Hills Drive, Arden Vista Court, McClung Drive, Colleen <br />Avenue, Colleen Circle, Norma Avenue, and James Avenue —1997 <br />Reconstruction <br />• Briarknoll Circle, Briarknoll Drive, and Royal Lane — 2007 <br />Reconstruction <br />The current pavement condition index (PCI) ratings for the proposed project <br />streets range from 20 to 45 which indicates the pavement is beyond its life <br />cycle and in need of rehabilitation. The City of Arden Hills enlisted Braun <br />Intertec to complete a Pavement Evaluation Report on the residential <br />project streets in June of 2022. The report made recommendations for the <br />rehabilitation method of each street. <br />The first rehabilitation method recommended is a mill and overlay which was <br />identified for Arden Vista Court, McClung Drive, Colleen Circle, Briarknoll <br />Circle, Briarknoll Drive, Royal Lane, and James Avenue. Braun recommended <br />milling the existing pavement to a minimum depth of 2 inches and repaving <br />with new bituminous pavement (SPWEA230B). <br />The second rehabilitation method recommended is a pavement reclamation <br />which was identified for Keithson Drive, Royal Hills Drive, Norma Avenue, <br />and Colleen Avenue. Braun recommended performing a 9-inch full -depth <br />reclamation (FOR) without any pre -milling of the pavement. The excess <br />reclaim material is then stockpiled, redistributed, or hauled offsite as <br />necessary to construct the new pavement sections to the proper grade <br />(typically about 4 inches of depth would be removed). After the roadway <br />section is cut to grade, the top of the reclaim material would be evaluated <br />to determine if additional subgrade improvements are necessary. The <br />reclaim material would then be scarified, moisture conditioned, and surface <br />compacted to at least 100 percent of standard Proctor density and a test <br />roll would be performed to identify any non -conforming areas that need to <br />be addressed. Braun recommended verifying at least 5 inches of reclaim <br />material remains as aggregate base and repaving 4 inches of bituminous <br />pavement (SPWEA230B) in two lifts. <br />After Braun's report was completed, the city conducted additional reviews <br />of the subsurface utilities and concluded that the watermain on James <br />Avenue requires replacement to upgrade approximately 650 feet from 6-inch <br />to 8-inch diameter. This will include the replacement of all water services <br />to the ROW. Due to this additional excavation work, James Avenue will <br />not be conducive to the mill and overlay rehabilitation method previously <br />identified, and will instead require a reconstruction of the roadway after the <br />watermain work is completed. It is likely that storm sewer replacements <br />may be necessary to accommodate the watermain replacement work. This <br />reconstruction area would be constructed to the city's standard residential <br />pavement section. Additional soil borings will be conducted on James <br />Avenue to verify the proposed pavement section is suitable. <br />A parking area to accommodate approximately five parking stalls will <br />be added at Floral Park along the east side of Royal Lane (north of the <br />basketball court and west of the tennis court). It is assumed that 90 degree <br />pull -in parking stalls will be added in this space and will be designed to <br />drain back to a valley gutter along the existing curb line to manage drainage. <br />Sanitary sewer improvements will be limited to the replacement of castings <br />and rings on sanitary structures and repairs to select residential sewer <br />