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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — FEBRUARY 21, 2023 2 <br />Councilmember Holden felt they could get rid of some of the variances if they would drop the <br />number of units. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked why they wanted 14.95 units per acre instead of 12. <br />Mr. Fink stated that 124 units was the optimum size for the property that includes the wetland, <br />and it optimizes the size for income from the property. They would need to drop 12 units to get <br />down to 12 units per acre which wouldn't change the cost of construction much but it will change <br />the amount of income from the property. <br />Mayor Grant said if there wasn't a wetland there wouldn't be an issue. <br />Councilmember Rousseau asked if it was fairly standard to go up to 14 in density. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe said she would get the numbers from the last two <br />properties that were built. <br />Discussion ensued regarding height measurement. <br />Mr. Fink stated the building would be 32 feet at the eaves, 44 feet at the peak. The building <br />height would be 38 feet, in part due to the nine -foot ceilings in modern buildings. <br />Mayor Grant noted that if developers stay within the 35 foot height then they are looking at flat <br />roofs. He felt that aesthetically it would be better to have a pitched roof than a flat roof. <br />Community Development Director Jagoe stated the New Perspective project was under a <br />commercial zoning district that allows higher density of up to 20 units per acre. The Round Lake <br />Senior Living project is zoned R-4 and was approved at a density of 21 units per acre under the <br />PUD. <br />Councilmember Holden asked how the City would benefit under a PUD. <br />Mr. Fink replied that they would be using an underutilized property and putting it on the tax rolls, <br />and fulfill an unmet need for senior living. Initially they aren't planning to connect directly to the <br />park with a trail because of neighborhood concerns about burdening the park, and requests that <br />activities be held mainly on site. <br />Councilmember Holden said her concern would be people walking through parking lots to get to <br />the park. She asked what amenities they were planning to have onsite. <br />Mr. Fink said there would most likely be a walking trail, patio, pickleball court and something for <br />grandkids. They would have more exact plans when they come forward with the formal <br />application. <br />Councilmember Rousseau wondered if people were able to safely walk from the property to the <br />park. She felt people look for that when deciding where to live. <br />
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