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<br />> ,,-,'," <br /> <br />~J'- <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Launde..vllle appeared at said Councllm.etlng <br />on Octobe.. 30, 1978 and was ..ep..esented by M... Timothy Co~no..s of <br />the Union who asked that the h....lng be continued to1'he Council's <br />meeting of Novembe.. 13,1978, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Launde..vllle appear-ed at said contInued hea..lng <br />before the Councl I on November 13, 1978, agaIn ..ep..esented by <br />M... Conno..s of the Union, and was given full oppo..tunlty to adduce <br />evIdence at said hearIng and to c..oss-examlne wltnes,es p..esentlng <br />evIdence as to his conduct as an employee of the PublIc Works <br />Depa..tment, and <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, uncontrove..ted evidence at said hearing Indi- <br />cated that, among othe.. thIngs, <br /> <br />I. Launde..vllle had been suspended In September of <br />1977 In connectIon with a wate.. tower Incident <br />which Is documented In the minutes of the <br />Councl I 's meetings du..lng that month; <br /> <br />2. Laundervllle stole an automobile during the <br />summer of 1978 for whIch he was not convicted <br />but fo.. whIch he received a lesse.. conviction <br />of tampe..lng with an automobile; <br /> <br />3. Recently Launde..vllle stole a lawn cart <br />p..lvate prope..ty on Thom Drive; <br /> <br />4. The Public Wo..ks Superintendent of the City has re~ <br />celved numerous complaInts all of <br />Launderville's fellow employees In t~e Public <br />Works Depa..tment as to his, among other things, <br />taking naps while on duty, t..ansactlng pe..sonal <br />business In and outside of the City while on <br />duty, failing to do at all o~fully complete <br />Jobs specified by the Superintendent, failing <br />to assist other employees In completing Job <br />assignments, engende..lng dissatisfactIon on the <br />pa..t of all the othe.. employees of the Public <br />Works Depart.entto the point at w~lch each one <br />of them, at various times, Indicated to the <br />Supe..lntendent his desl..e not to fu..ther work <br />with Launderville, and In general disrupting <br />the whO;Ie PUblic W4!1rks Oepertment; <br /> <br />5. Two days afte.. the car incident mentioned above, <br />Jaundervllle ulledone of the City's vans while <br />on'duty for the purpose of taking roofing mate..- <br />lals, not owned by ~Im, a construction site <br />for his own pe..sonaf use; <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />6. Rece.lltt"t!' L'unc8'I'vIHe spen,t.ti-. while on duty <br />drhing .llrq'~",d the City 1001<'"9 for a 4" x 4" <br />pleet:.,of, l'U1Ilber "for.,his P.rsonal mat'lbox end also <br />spent some time at the City's water tower dls.ent- <br />ling Illumlnum signs for his son who collects Illumlnum <br />for spr.p and transported these items In one of <br />the 'Cl'ty's villlS; <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />- 2 - <br />