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<br />. <br /> <br />down and resolve the differences amicably that we in all probabil- <br />ity are willing to pay something as far as assessments are con- <br />cerned. We're not willing to pay on the basis on which we've <br />been assessed. That's the short and sweet of it. I don't think <br />that Pete is justified in saying that we're taking an adversary <br />position. We're taking a position where we hope we can compromise <br />something that you can go away, we can away, both having accom- <br />plished something that is constructive for the Village and for <br />the industrial park. I hope that this enlarges on the intent as <br />far as the people in the industrial park are concerned. We do <br />not take an arbitrary position as to how we will settle: we would <br />like to talk about it. There is no way that I know of that you <br />can arrive at a conclusion except by sitting down and talking. <br />Is that right? Do you agree? <br /> <br />MAYOR WOODBURN: That's what we're for. <br /> <br />MR. COLESTOCK: Alright. But the thing is - whether we go <br />to court and talk about it or whether we get together with your <br />people and talk about it - it doesn't make much difference - <br />we're going to have to do this somewhere along the line. That's <br />the key to the whole issue. Pardon me for disagreeing with you <br />Pete. <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: That's alright. <br /> <br />MAYOR WOODBURN: I suggest that the time to talk about it <br />may very well be tonight, on several bases, one of which is <br />that's why we set up the meeting tonight - to talk about it. <br />I'd like to say that I think you're overestimating the position <br />of the staff in this. This improvement and the possible benefits <br />has a 12 year history. For 12 years we've been looking at the <br />costs and wondering how they were going to be spread. I believe <br />I can say there is no cost in here that was developed solely - <br />and perhaps even at all - by the village staff. Other sources <br />outside advise us that these are appropriate. There is no cost <br />here that has not been looked at for the last year and a half <br />(inaudible). It's not the staff that has to be convinced at <br />this point at all. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MR. COLESTOCK: But we have to be convinced and this is the <br />thing about it - that the Council was made aware of our position <br />long ago. This is nothing new - nothing exciting about it. We <br />told you that we were unhappy with what was proposed, that we <br />were going to take issue with it, and that's what we have done. <br />We don't want to fight with the Village. As I've told you in <br />the past, we like to be good neighbors, we like to contribute to <br />the overall financial health, the social relationships, the whole <br />works - as far as the Village is concerned. But there comes a <br />time when we have to take a stand and that's what we've done. <br /> <br />MAYOR WOODBURN: Everything you say is true. Anything else <br />from the Council? <br /> <br />COUNCILMAN McALLISTER: Mr. Colestock, you feel there is <br />some benefit to your property from this improvement? <br /> <br />13 <br />
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