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01-03-24 PC Packet
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01-03-24 PC Packet
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12/29/2023 11:24:24 AM
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12/29/2023 11:22:10 AM
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Page 10 of 16 <br />freestanding sign is 12 feet in height and has a total sign copy area of approximately 77.5 square <br />feet. Also, the total area of a freestanding sign shall not exceed 1.5 times the permitted sign copy <br />area of said sign which would be 116.2 square feet for this application. The proposed <br />freestanding sign has a total area of 168 square feet. Sign materials are noted to be consistent <br />with building materials and base materials will be brick. The sign plans are shown in <br />Attachment G. <br />The Applicant’s sign plans include three freestanding auxiliary signs. The city code defines an <br />auxiliary sign as “a sign that provides direction for internal circulation, parking or entry, <br />restrictions on parking, security warnings, or other similar primarily noncommercial signs that <br />are directed at people that are entering, exiting, or on a particular property. Auxiliary signs do <br />not include outdoor advertising signs.” The sign ordinance specifies that an auxiliary sign shall <br />not be larger than eight (8) square feet and that more than two (2) signs per site requires Planning <br />Commission review and City Council approval. The proposed signs are approximately 3.5 square <br />feet each with internal illumination. Auxiliary signs under the sign code may not be illuminated. <br />The Applicant states that these freestanding auxiliary directional signs are provided to serve a <br />regulatory purpose and facilitate safe navigation throughout the site. As the site shares a <br />driveway with the property to the north and vehicles are circulating the site, the Applicant states <br />that it is important that the signage is illuminated and visible to allow customers safely navigate <br />the site. <br />Master Sign Plan Site Plan <br />Other auxiliary signage the Applicant is asking the Planning Commission to consider is located <br />on the canopy above the point of sale islands. These signs are all noted to be nonilluminated and <br />between 9.75 and 12 square feet. The Applicant states that these signs are interior facing and are
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