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<br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />.- <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />. <br />.- <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN BILLS CITY COUNCIL - AUGUST 28~1995 <br /> <br />Ii <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski expressed concern that the stop sign would not be the answer. She <br />asked if perhaps all the intersections should have signs. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone questioned if the stop sign makes sense, he felt that stop signs don't always <br />slow down traffic. He noted he would support a traffic study, but not putting in a stop sign. He felt <br />the Council needs a professional opinion. <br /> <br />Councilmember Aplikowski noted she understood the intent of the requests, but felt 30 M.P.H. <br />would not slow the traffic down. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst indicated the residents expressed concerns to the Public Safety Committee and the <br />Committee has now come before the Council as the City has requested. He noted he did not <br />personally have a problem with the stop sign, he felt it worthy to offer a remedy. <br /> <br />Public Works Superintendent Stafford, in response to additional stop signs, noted the Committee <br />felt additional signs would back up traffic even more. This would limit the opportunity for residents <br />to get out of their driveways. <br /> <br />Councilmember Hicks noted at the Public Safety meeting the Committee felt additional signs would <br />be too excessive, but he believed the Committee would not disagree with seeking a professional <br />opinion. <br /> <br />MOTION: Aplikowski moved and Malone seconded a motion to direct staff to work with the <br />Engineer Consultant and gain a professional opinion and traffic study regarding <br />County Road F West. The motion carried .m"nirnously (5-0). <br /> <br />Mr. John Stenglein, 1785 West County Road F, inquired as to what the Council felt would be a <br />solution. He indicated his children were almost hit by a vehicle, even during construction. <br /> <br />Mayor Probst indicated a traffic analysis by the City Engineer would faciliate a solution. <br /> <br />Mr. Stenglein inquired as to when the results of the Traffic Study would be available and when the <br />Council will make a decision. Mayor Probst indicated he was unsure, but as soon as the information <br />is available, the Council will address the issue. <br /> <br />Mr. Stenglein expressed concern that his children may be injmed because of the inability for the City <br />to make a decision. <br /> <br />Ms. Elizabeth Garski, 1795 West County Road F, indicated she felt the issue is enforcement of <br />the law of the speed limit The residents have asked the Ramsey County Sheriff to issue more tickets <br />to slow traffic down. <br />