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<br />Minutes of the Arden Hills Regulsr Council Meeting, Jsnuary 9, 1989 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR <br /> <br />BLDG INSP; WAGE <br />COMPENSATION <br /> <br />Council was referred to a memorandum from Berger dated <br />1-6-89, relative to the proposed salary compensation plan <br />for the position of Building Inspector. <br /> <br />Berger stated he had surveyed other communities with part-time inspectors and ~ <br />found that cities which compensate the position on a basis of 80% of permit fees .., <br />have a low volume of permits; this would not bs practical for Arden Hills based <br />on the number of permits issued in the City. He explained that in talking with <br />experienced building officials they have indicated the hourly rates for their <br />positions are between $20 to 25.00 per hour. <br /> <br />The Clerk Administrator recommended implementation of a Five Step Pay Plan, as <br />outlined in his memorandum, for the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer <br />position for Arden Hills. <br /> <br />Council questioned if the salary increments would be based solely on chronology <br />or performance. <br /> <br />Berger advised they would be based on performance. <br /> <br />Councilmember Malone suggested the step plan range include an additional step at <br />120%, for exceptional job performance. <br /> <br />Mayor Sather agreed with the proposal; he stated the Clerk Administrator would <br />not be limited to this plan and could recommend amending it at a futura date. <br /> <br />lhere was Council discussion relative to the need to review implementation of a <br />step salary plan for all staff positions and the inclusion of additional steps <br />for exceptional job performance. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Malone moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council approve <br />the five step salary plan at the rates ranging from $20.00 to $25.00 per hour for <br />the position of Building Inspector, as recommended by the Clerk Administrator and <br />outlined in his memorandum of 1/6/89. and, further, that recommendation to adjust <br />the salary increments for the position need not be based solely on time in the <br />position, rather an evaluation of job performance. Motion carried unanimously. <br />(4-0) <br /> <br />RFP FINANCIAL <br />CONSULTANT <br /> <br />Council was referred to a memorandum from Berger dated <br />1-6-89. relative to preparation of a "Request For <br />Proposals" for a financial consultant. <br /> <br />The Clerk Administrator referred to the attached sample RFP from the City of <br />Eagan and a copy of the "Guidelines for Selection of Bond Counsel and Financial <br />Advisor for Minnesota Tax Increment Financing" documents which were forwarded to <br />Council for review. Berger requested Council direction relative to preparation of <br />the RFP or hiring a development or financial consultant. <br /> <br />In discussion, Council concurred that there is time factor involved in declaring <br />the Round Lake study area a development district and assistance would be <br />necessary to accomplish the establishment of the district. It was also noted that <br />the City would require financial advice. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Council directed the Clerk Administrator to prepare a <br />"Request For Proposal" for a development consultant to assist the City in <br />declaring the Round Lake Study Area a development district and outline the <br />financial options available which would minimize the potential for City <br />indebtedness. It was requested that the RFP be available for Council review at <br />their Regular Meeting held January 30. 1989. <br /> <br />COMMITTEE APPTMTS. The Clerk Administrator advised Finance Committee members <br />Judy Stafford and Valerie Miller are not interested in <br />reappointment to the committee. <br /> <br />Mayor Sather advised Ed Menze wishes to be reappointed and a letter of interest <br />Was received from Roger Udesco requesting appointment to the committee. He ' <br />recommended Menze and Udesco be appointed to the Finance Committee and Council <br />accept resignations from Stafford and Miller. Staff was directed to forward <br />letters of thanks to Stafford and Miller for their service. <br /> <br />. <br />