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CC 11-28-1988
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City Council Minutes
CC 11-28-1988
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<br />Minutes of the A~den Hills Regula~ Council Meeting, Novembe~ 28, 1988 <br />Page 4 . . <br />CASE #85-2 (Cont'd) Hansen moved, seconded by Sather, that Council accept <br /> the Initial Landscape Inspection of the apartment complex <br />at Edgewater Estates, Case #85-2, and ~educe the bond from 125% to 100%, pending <br />replacement of the dead and missing plant material as indicated by the landscape <br />inspector in his ~eport of 11-2-88, with the final inspection report due July 15, <br />1989. Motion carried unanimously (5-0) . <br />REQUEST SWR/WTR; Council was referred to a memorandum from Berger dated <br />UTILITIES; TCAAP 11-23-88, relative to a request from TCAAP to connect to <br /> the City of Arden Hills water and sanitary sewer systems <br />to provide service for the new Rese~ve Center at Highway 96 and Lexington Avenue. <br />The Clerk Administrator advised the City cannot deny a request for water and <br />sewer connection within our jurisdiction, however, he indicated the City is in a <br />position to encourage cooperation from TCAAP on items which concern Arden Hills <br />and neighboring communities. Staff cited examples which we~e outlined in Be~ger's <br />Newsletter of 11-18-88 of situations noting the uncooperative attitude of the <br />TCAAP representatives. Berger advised that the Shoreview City Council had denied <br />a request from TCAAP for utility connections in Shoreview. <br />There was Council discussion regarding setting a meeting with TCAAP <br />representatives to discuss concerns or outlining the conce~ns in a letter <br />directed to TCAAP. It was suggested that a letter be directed to TCAAP advising <br />the City is not interested in providing the utility connections and wait fo~ <br />their response. <br /> Sather moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council direct the <br />Clerk Administrator forward a letter in response to the request for sewer and . <br />wate~ connection from the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant which states: "At <br />this time the City of Arden Hills has no interest in connecting the proposed <br />United States Army Reserve Center to the City's water and sanitary sewer systems. <br /> Peck moved to amend the motion, seconded by Woodburn, <br />that the letter be ~eworded as follows: "Due to some unresolved issues which are <br />pending, at this time the City of Arden Hills has not interest in connecting the <br />proposed Army Reserve Center to the City's water and sanitary sewer systems." <br />Amendment to the motion failed. (Peck, Woodburn voting in favor; Sather G~owe and <br />Hansen opposed) (2-3) <br />Original motion carried. (Sather, Hansen, Growe and Woodburn voting in favor; <br />Peck opposed) (4-1) <br />RAMSEY CO. REQUEST Council was referred to a memorandum f~om Berger dated <br />PROP'D LEXINGTON 11-23-88, relative to a request from Ramsey County Public <br />AVE. RECONSTRUCTION Works Department for Arden Hills to approach TCAAP on <br /> behalf of Ramsey County and request participation with <br />the Arden Hills' portion of the reconstruction of Lexington Avenue. <br />The Clerk Administrator advised that Council had denied the request for City . <br />participation in this project due to the fact there was no clear benefit to Arden <br />Hills ~esidents. <br /> Sathe~ moved, seconded by Peck, that Council direct the <br />Clerk Administrator to draft a letter to Ramsey County advising that Arden Hills <br />would be happy to intercede on their behalf by some written method to TCAAP by <br />advising of Ramsey County's request for TCAAP cost participation and explain the <br />benefits TCAAP would derive from the p~oject as related to the proposed Army <br />Reserve Training Center, and reiterate to Ramsey County that the City of Arden <br />Hills does not share the same responsibility for cost participation . Motion <br />carried unanimously. (5-0) <br />CLAIMS & PAYROLL Peck moved, seconded by Sathe~, that Council approve <br /> Claims and Payroll as submitted. Motion carried. (5-0) <br />TREASURER'S REPORT <br />FINANCE COMM.; Treasurer Green explained the Finance Committee <br />CASH FLOW ANALYSIS plan to develop a report that estimates the budget <br /> expenditures on a monthly basis and provide a valuable . <br />tool to make Council aware of the cash flow status. <br />
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