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CCP 09-28-1987
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CCP 09-28-1987
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<br /> . <br />Minutes of Special Council/Finance Committee Meeting, September 17 <br />Page 4 . <br />Steele noted that the amount Arden Hills has increased its levy in the last few <br />years has been three times the amount the inflation rate has gone up. <br />It was moved by Steele, seconded by Mertensotto, that the 1/2 time Program <br />Director be deleted from this account, for savings of $10,200. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Erickson again asked about fees...suggested Buckley increase one or two to see <br />if it results in loss of participation or what happens. Buckley predicted <br />persons would go to other programs or drop out. Mertensotto suggested Buckley <br />come to the Finance Committee during the year to discuss at more length the <br />funding for Self Sustaining programs. <br />Committee requested Buckley adjust fees in some way to add $2,000 in income in <br />the Self Sustaining fund, He agreed to do so. <br />Park Fund <br />Balance in the fund at this time is $313,444. Contributions from pull tab' <br />operations in 1986 totalled $26,690; in 1987 contributions are expected to <br />total $34,800, if giving continues at its present rate. Contributions from <br />dedicated funds are lower each year as less land remains to be developed. <br />Without the pull tab contributions, or other fund raising efforts, the fund <br />will be depleted in the next few years, at which time park improvements or <br />developments will need to be funded from tax levy. Pull tab donations are not <br />included in 1988 estimated revenue. . <br />Public Works Accounts <br />General Government Buildin~s Exp. -$5,500 <br />Committee questioned increase in code 223, Bldg. and Ground Maintenance. <br />Raddatz explained that this is for costs of bringing the equipment and <br />buildings into closer compliance with OSHA standards. The City has not had a <br />formal OSHA inspection for many years, and fines could be as high as $30,000 to <br />$40,000 for violations of their standards. <br />Committee asked why, since we purchased our own telephones in 1987, and are no <br />longer leasing phones, there was an increase in this account. Raddatz stated <br />that the monthly cost for leasing decreased; however, an additional line was <br />added, so the net saving per month is $41.50 $500 will be cut from this <br />account. <br />Committee asked about the money budgeted for building doors. Raddatz stated <br />this is the third and last year in door replacement program; if not replaced, <br />the doors would need extensiv~ repair. <br />Necessity for shop hoist was queried. Raddatz stated it would make repair work <br />on trucks easier and save some time, but would not necessarily cut costs. It <br />was agreed to delete this item saving $3,000. <br />$2,000 is budgeted for blinds for the office area and Council Chambers. . <br />Committee concurred to delete ~his line item as well ($2,000 saving). <br />Raddatz explained that no additional manpower is budgeted for, although he does <br />plan to again employ an OJT student from School District 621 (On the Job <br />Training) at $4.00, 250 hours in 1987, 875 in 1988). <br /> - <br />
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