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DocuSign Envelope ID: 84121D55-A129-464C-A8C6-8702BE957EC5 <br />Kim ey>>> Horn Page 4 <br />After adoption of the AUAR Update, Kimley-Horn will: <br />Submit the signed resolution and request to publish a notice of adoption to the EQB Monitor. <br />Distribute the signed resolution to all agencies that have stated that they wish to be informed <br />of any future projects within the area as part of their comments on the AUAR and mitigation <br />plan update. <br />Deliverables: <br />AUAR Update for distribution <br />Notice of availability in the EQB Monitor <br />Email distribution of the AUAR Update <br />Legal notice in the St. Paul Pioneer Press <br />• Draft press release <br />• AUAR Update for adoption, including responses to substantive comments <br />• Resolution for adoption of AUAR Update <br />• Notice of adoption in the EQB Monitor <br />• Email distribution of signed resolution <br />Task 3: Traffic Study Update <br />• Study Area/Data Collection: Kimley-Horn will conduct weekday turning movement counts at <br />four (4) intersections and a 24-hour count at one (1) intersection. Finalized intersection <br />analysis will be determined based on discussion with review agency staff. It is anticipated that <br />only key intersections from the original AUAR Traffic Study will be included; with <br />improvements that have been built in the area since 2014, it is not anticipated that all the <br />study intersections in the original AUAR traffic analysis will be needed. The proposed study <br />area intersections are: <br />■ County Road H & NB 1-35W Ramps <br />■ County Road H & SB 1-35W Ramp <br />■ County Road H & Mounds View Boulevard <br />■ Hwy 96 & SB Hwy 10 Ramp <br />■ Hwy 96 & Church/Future Site Access (24-hour count) <br />• Transportation System: Summarize information for the existing transportation system, <br />including existing roadway and intersection characteristics, existing daily traffic volume <br />information, and compare to previously analyzed study area intersections. <br />• Trip Generation, Distribution, and Assignment: Trip generation estimates will be prepared for <br />the development based on the trip generation rates found in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, <br />IIt" Edition. Trip generation will be completed for two scenarios. Site traffic distribution and <br />assignment for the development from the 2014 TCAAP traffic analysis will be utilized. <br />• Volume Development: The traffic counts will then be adjusted to reflect the amount of non - <br />site traffic that can be expected to exist on the area roadway system at the Horizon Year of <br />the development. Kimley-Horn will provide a total traffic assignment that includes site and <br />