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<br />Minutes of the Reg. Council Meeting, August 10, 1~ <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />CASE #87-23; (Cont'd) <br /> <br />Herman offered the following rationale for granting <br />rezoning: <br /> <br />-Adjacent south and west properties is Church development property I <br />stated R-4 is a compatible use with land use established. <br />-Site is relatively isolated from contiguous neighbors. ~ <br />-There is B-2 zoning along Highway 96 and then the Church development; R-4 ,., <br />would be appropriate transition to single-family district across Snelling. <br />-Highway use is not consistent with medium or low density. <br />-Size of site is not condusive to support a low density projectl quality <br />of project would be reduced and site coverage would be increased. <br />-Low density would attract larger families and traffic would increase. <br />-Existing plantings would be removed. <br />-Unique site problema I notched corner from site, angled NE corner from <br />site, topography is problem, lowland, roads on three sides. <br />-Apartment would minimize disturbance of the site; less visual impact <br />on adjacent neighbors and less traffic. <br /> <br />Herman noted the Rutters, 1660 Highway 96 and the Kings, 1504 Highway 96, sent <br />letters stating they did not object to the proposed rezoning of this property. <br />A representative of the North Heights Church, Arlo Lien, has reviewed this <br />matter with the Church board and they have indicated in discussions with the <br />Reeves that they have no objections to the proposed rezoning. <br /> <br />Mayor Woodburn noted that there were several persons in the audience interested <br />in this case, and asked for brief comments from the floor. <br /> <br />James Miller, 4482 North Snelling, spoke in opposition to the proposed ~ <br />rezoning. He preferred to maintain the land as an R-3 Districtl as identified <br />in the Comprehensive Plan. Miller objected to the access onto Snellingl <br />preferred the Highway 96 access. He questioned why he was not notified of the <br />public hearing. <br /> <br />Sue Molinar, 1550 W. Highway 96, spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning. <br />She questioned the property owners notification of the public hearing. Molinar <br />submitted a petition with 36 signatures opposing the rezoning. <br /> <br />Deputy Clerk Iago explained the legal procedure for notification; the applicant <br />submits a certified list of property owners within a 350 ft. radius of the <br />submit property and from that list the notifications are sent. <br /> <br />Dorothy McClung, 4376 No. Snelling, expressed concerns relative to the road <br />conditions of Snelling Avenue, increased traffic and safety of residents <br />driving on Snelling in it's present condition. She commented that Snelling <br />Avenue should be repaired prior to increasing traffic on the road. <br /> <br />Bernard Herman commented that under the PUD concept plan the applicant is <br />obligated to address all concerns addressed I he offered to work with City staff <br />and neighbors to develop a plan that meets the needs of the community. ~ <br /> <br />Councilmember Winiecki advised that she had received a call from Francis <br />Polasek; he could not attend the meeting but asked her to relay his objections <br />to the size of the structure, increased traffic, would set a precedent. <br /> <br />Councilmember Hansen commented that if Council agreed with the PUD concept that <br />would be an indication that they favored the rezoning. Mayor Woodburn agreed. <br /> <br />There was Council discussion relative to the following concerns <br /> <br />-Increased traffic, and concurrent safety factors.. <br />-R-4 Density may not be a good transition to single-family residential <br />district. <br />-The Comprehensive Plan identifies this area as an R-3 District; commented <br />that property owners in the area concluded that future development would <br />be at a lower density, as outlined in the plan. <br />-Precedent would be set for development in this area and across Snelling <br />Avenue. <br /> <br />Councilmember Winiecki stated that the site is well planned, the building <br />quality is excellent; however, it is her opinion that R-4 zoning is ~ <br />inappropriate in an R-1 residential district; the only R-4 building in Arden ,., <br />Hills is appropriately located in the commercial downtown area. She preferred a <br />lesser density development as a transition to the residential; suggested a <br />zoning district with density that falls between the R-3 and R-4 density <br />regulations should be established. Hansen agreed. <br />