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<br />, <br /> <br />Councl I Meeting Minutes - September 12, 1966, contlnue~ <br /> <br />Mr. Daubney Inquired as to the status of Red Fax Road a d offered ~S5!S- <br />tance. Eng I near Lund I nformed the Coune I! ',"hat 'i-he; V: i ,',',',~ arpa,,' f ')10:>0 <br />an aS5(:;;:ssm'-Slfl-l- ~ge i n~;t -j-h~ County in -j'hE! ,3fi'lOunt 0;' _~':! J c, '_'1;~S;--- CO;'l;;-;.> Road <br />E2 and the County requests a revlea of our assessment DO! Icy before <br />further consideration of their acquiring Red Fox Road. Trustee Olmen <br />moved, as recommended by the Public Works CommIttee, that the Village <br />Attorney be authorized to obtain the necessary rlght-of-ways, and the <br />Village Engineer submit a utilIties report and also a report on the <br />drainage matter. Administrative Clerk to confer with the County En~ <br />glneer concerning the sssessment levied against County Road E2; seconded <br />by Trustee BJorndahl: motion carried. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY VINCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> <br />DumplnQ Ordinance <br />Attorney Courtney read the changes In the dumping ordinance as suggested <br />by the Council and explained again the purpose of this Ordinance. Trus- <br />tee Olmen moved approval of the third and final readIng of an Ordinance <br />regulating the disposal and dumping of garbage, refuse and other tr35h; <br />providing a permit system for dumping and for sanitary land fill; pro- <br />viding penalties for violation, and repealing Ordinance No.3, and <br />authorized the Clerk to ceuse Its publication; seconded by Crepeau; mQtj~n <br />carried. <br /> <br />Proposed RezonlnQ - County Road E2 and 35W <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council that h. has examined the ownership <br />report and survey and has prepared the motion fo~-rezoning the property <br />at County Road E2 and 35W 'rom R-I to Commercial. He sugg0sted th6t the <br />Planning Commission reconsider the matter as theIr vote on the matter <br />at their June 7 meeting resulted in a tie, and the Planning Commission <br />was not officially established at that time; this Is II' ac:::or-danco ','liTh <br />the Minnesota Planning Act regulations. He"2dso In'formed HI'" Coune! j <br />that the Council should hold the public hea(l~g on the matter sinco the <br />VIII age is s-j" Ii I operat I ng under -;-he 0 I' Orqlnanc0 as the ne-,1 Zon i fl'J <br />'. Ord'lilance has not been adopted at th I S 1'lme;, <br /> <br />',T'riJstee BJorndah I moved that the pub II c hear-:lng f,or the r-B,zon I ng of <br />'pI'"9P$rty st County Road E2 and 35W from R-h;,\:o, ',Commercial as attach" <br />,>be',se"j- for Septsmber'26, 1966, with action ~:~;ii',fheGoUncll delayed unt <br />:';:',ffi":er receiving recommendation from the Plailtjilng Commission; seconded <br />,<bY Trustee 0 I men; mot I on ca rr led ." <br /> <br /> <br />~f -~; : c, ~ . <br />j&"l~r:r'v Brodie, Chairman ottha Planning Comm,i'~"slon, Informed ths_CouneJ <br />t,,"t"l~t, the next Planning Commission will be hl;l.I'don October 4. A-rtorflSY <br />:;::'C,Q:urtney explalnsd that the Council \1111 ho(i:(thls publIc hearing slnc:e,; <br />"",t.h'enew Zoning Ord I nlllncehas not yet been ad.:),p:ted. <br /> <br />Pedestrl an Tra II <br />Attorney Courtney stated that he had written Ii letter, dated August I, <br />In wh I ch he po I ntsd out" a:' number of ~'h i ngs regard 1 ng th I s mat1'er: cop I es <br />ofth I slatter were sent to members of the q,ounc I!. He stated oj-hat the <br />'traIl should be covered by Insurance; that ow,nershlp permission 15 suHI- <br />'ciant butthe Village should have written easem~nts because ot ch~~gc <br />. ,of ownersh I p. Attorney Courtney I nformed the, Counc II that the V II' age <br />cenoot prohibit motorl~ed vehicles on the trail without an Ordinance <br />61ndan Ordinance Is not possible without ea,sements. <br /> <br />Trustea BJorndah I stated that the pr-oposed{J,naLd I stance of the tred i <br />\111 I be 16m II as . <br /> <br />Council requested the Clerk to send a copy of the trail to Attorney <br />Courtney. <br /> <br />Hazardous BulldlnQs <br />Attorney Courtney I nformed the Counc" that he will checf: age I n with <br />Minneapolis Feder,al ,concerning 1144 Edgewater: Clay Kelley reported <br />thet a permit had been requested for demolition and the burning of the <br />,refuse, but reported that ,no permit Is required. (See also Bldg. Insp. <br />""Report) ,', <br /> <br />The building at 437,2 ,North Hamllne Avenue has be'en demolished by burning. <br /> <br />-2- <br />