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<br />. <br /> <br />Council Meeting ~Inutes - September 12, 1966 - cDntlnu~j <br /> <br />Zonlnq Ordinance <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council that the public h00rlng on tho <br />new Zoning Ordinance may be held by the Councilor the Pi2n~ing Commission <br />by Council determinmtlon. but recommends that It be held by the Council <br />with recommandations from the Planning Commission, The CouncIl referred <br />the rough draft of the ZonIng Ordinance to the Planning Commission for <br />recommendt'l"'ipT on~ ~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />RldABwood ~ourt Turn-around <br />Attorney Courtney Informed the Council that he had receIved a lettar <br />from the attorney r~presentlng Lindberg and Mulcahey requesting the <br />Village to sign and Assent to Registration. Attorney Courtney explaIned <br />this would require examination of papers to be sure that the Village Is <br />protecte~ on Its rites In the property, On his recommendation, Trustse <br />Crepeau moved the adoption of a resolution of approval )'0 the Assei1'j' to <br />Reg I si"ra-j-Jon. subject to review by Attorney Courtney llnd alJi-horlzing <br />the Mayor and Clerk to sign same If found satisfactory by Attorney <br />Courtney; seconded by Trustee BJorndahl; motIon carried. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />PedGstr! an Tr'a II <br />Englnesr Lund Informed the Council that he has ordered ovnershlp r8Dorts <br />on the pedestrian trail. <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR CLAY KELLEY <br /> <br />.J.1.., <br /> <br />1144 Edgs\"later <br />Mr. Kelley Informed the Council that this building Is being removed. He <br />recommended granting an extension of time of two weeks. The Council <br />sg re:ad . <br /> <br />Big Ten Supper Club <br />Mr. Kelley Informed the C~uncll that lie had red tagged ~"h!5 establ 1511- <br />ment as remodelIng \"las being done without a permit. Mr. Welsch In- <br />formed him that the project would cost under 1300.00. but Mr. Kellay <br />believes the job could run to 6 or 7 hundred; he recommended that Mr, <br />Welsch appear before the Planning Commlssio~ as the remodBlling would <br />increase the seating capacity by about fourteen people. The remodellng <br />"also ~JIII Include the I,mprovement of the psrklng lot. Mr. Welsch did <br />appear before "the Planning Commission, bui" i"heAdmlnlstrstlve Forms <br />were not properly completed. Mr. Brodie: recommended tha'~ due to the nature <br />of the changes, Mr. t1191sch should ,re-appear,before the Commission. <br /> <br />REPORT OF RICHARD HOFFMANN <br /> <br />Larry Brodie. Chairman of, the Planning Commission, reported on their <br />meetl ngs of August 23 and September 6, cop I as of ~Jilll ch had been sent to <br />members of the Council. <br /> <br />,Comprehensive Plan, , ' <br />,As recommended by the Plan'lllng Commission, Trustee BJorndahl moved the <br />,adoption of a resolution, as attached, accep:tlng i-he Comprehensive Pla,n, <br />'..',' as amended as of August ,23, 1966; seconded by Trustee Olmen; motion <br />carried. > <br /> <br />Variance Request - Case No. 66-25 " <br />Trustee Crepeau moved,. as recommended by th~Plannlng Commission. approval' <br />be granted to John Cronin, 1629 G I anvl 61t Co!!rt ,to cons'rrlJct an attached <br />garage which will be five feet from the sidEr lot line; seconded by <br />Trustee BJorndah I; mo,'\'lo,ncarrl ed. <br /> <br />Planning Consultant" <br />r~ayor Nethercut I nformedt,he Counc II that Mr~. Dahl gren of ~~ I dwest PI an- <br />nlng ~nd Research. inc. had been working with ~oberts Construction Co. <br />prior to his contract with Arden Hills and t~eCouncl' agreed to approva <br />"continuance of his wprk ,with litob0rts. but w~"should discourage further <br />similar circumstances. Clerk requested to ;litQ inform MldtJlilsi' Planning. <br /> <br />~'i-'.,." <br /> <br />REPORT OF TRUSTEE CREPEAU <br /> <br />1....--0:'., <br /> <br />,Slqns <br />Fred Nixon stated that the replacement sign ,has been ordered from the <br />County for the corner of Slams Court and Johanna Blvd. <br /> <br />-3- <br />