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<br />C;')!l,lG i! .vi ;'nu-i-@s - Apr f I 25, 1966 - con~-l nyed <br /> <br />There was discussion concerning an affective msans of gattlng thIs sfgn <br />lo~ered; possibly this could be considered along ~ith ths orDposed plan <br />for the County Road E ares. <br /> <br />Mrs. Tlssoi perso~ally felt that e request for lo..rlng t~ls sIgn should <br />not be connected wIth th3 County Road E plans - feals this matter should <br />be handled sep~rately. <br /> <br />Th0 Council decldod not to taka any sctlon at this time. <br /> <br />. Hazardous BUildings <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney reported that Mr. Johnson of the Minneapo! 15 Federal <br />~III Ch0Ck the Edgewater Motel site b@fore suggesting a me~ns of correc- <br />~Ive action concerning the hazardous building. <br /> <br />Water FranchlsG <br /> <br />Attorney Courtney reported that he has obtained a resolution from the <br />Village of Rosevllle regarding their Reiling \1ahH' French I S8. He ad- <br />vised that a report should be received from probably tha Public WDr~s Com- <br />mlttOiJEl or EnglneGr to determine If '(he need for llH'l~'er e;ds-i-s In the; tl':dus- <br />tria! Park, and If this Is the only fesslb!eway of g6ttln~ water to the <br />area before goIng SOy f,urther tilth the matter. <br /> <br />, M~thBrcut requested Trustee Olmeo to mantlon the matter to the Publ Ie <br />Works Committee. Matter fabled. <br /> <br />Per!'"y Property <br /> <br />::-"Aftorney COMr1'ney I nfor,m,a.d the <br />[';:Aur,thar I nformat I on Concern I n9 <br /> <br />, <br />Counc II that/he., he,S <br />the Perry pr~~erty. <br /> <br />not received any, <br /> <br />(i-;~(:~;>:: " , <br />rtV,REPOIn OF ENGINEER DONALDl.UND _,_, <br />'\il)C'", ,'c _.'it::, ,: <br />~ii),.!1umrri:ln!ls Lane BI d5 "-,,,; <br />! >" . ::~,:",'::":,,,',',;i,';"_:":'_:"'<,';:-;"::'''' <br />~;1,t~<:";!;"i"':;'<: ,/ >" .. " ,.._":'~/~ <br />;:;;,En'glnaer Lund prltlparedan<l 5ubmlt1'ed the ta,'li\!ratIO'n of bids received Jp,t <br />;~::m;t;~fcCummlngs Lane Roa,d Improvement. He rec,b.~!e,IlQ~d approval of aJJai-diI;I?~ <br />'*Aftt:l1:~:.,b,ld to the lowest I>ld_~~r - Ray Sine Co"i1'"i:Jc-i\lng Compsny of Ne,""':;" <br />:jy'{.:Sr+ghton whose bid totale.'di $5,257.80; Attoi!i;ne,y.'Couri'nay checltedan~<" <br />jW1;;~!;'p.prpved the accompal1ylng':,'bond. Eng I neer L::ItM,'iJl:lformad ~'he Counc-I!<f~cl~~: <br />~\;;;:!';li'!:RlstGr's eSi'imate(orth,1s project ~as $5fj,~~'n,oo. He s-j-ai"l9d that:,!:;Ak <br />~V'i~-l>:f!cHlcat'ons call 'for-tile project to comlll_$nc;ewl1'hln 30 days an_d 1''1:~~ <br />~:,'''cC_!il,lljpJe,ed bV July I, 196,6,.: j';'" <br />t~~i':/h;;~.~': . '_ ,- __' , . "', '_' "_, <br />~f:!;rt,gu!i1~alll 0 I man moved the 8d.ppt Ion of a reso I;'!t.lonas a-j'hCh0d, secondei;l:&v <br />~;}F!l:'r.I.I:sitee Crepeau, awardlng:the bid to Ray SI:~:a,C;on,tractlng CompanY,of_.' <br />~'1'~e!-'I.\_ ;E!d 9hton '(or th~ amount of $5,257.80, ll;ndOl,uthor I zed the Eng l\'Iee~,te <br />~";c"~u'5e the eOn'~ract to 'be, executed and sumb I tted to At1'orney Courtney;, " <br />~"ino'+lon carried. ' <br />;~:: .. -' '. <br />.:Tr1l9hle Crepeau InqlJlreda~ to the dlspoSlt"',oll of the 750 cubic yards6f <br />:FY,(!lxea',atlon material ilnd ,t,I1E1l possibility of the Village using IT. MatteI':' <br />i:+.'.t",~fe'I'red to Trustee Bjor,nd,ah I and Eng I neerl.;und, ' ' <br />,f~:~ . <br /> <br />,'Bvl daten Mat1'er <br /> <br />Eng Ineer Lund reported that approva I has been given by Mr. ~Iv I dsten to <br />th:ellll18ge to correct a drainage on his property problem caused by Village <br />Illlf)l'ovement. He stated that the necessary trees have bsen reillOlIsd and the <br />grading will be dOlle as 5,oon as possIble. <br /> <br />REPDRT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR CLAY KELLEY <br /> <br />!Q.gant Property <br /> <br />Mr, Kelley advised the Cou,ncll that the unoccupied house on Johanna Blvd. <br />nOl'th of the Arden Center Is structurally sound, but the windows are <br />bnlken. It Is not connected to the sewer and It Is not habitable. Matter <br />ral'erred to the CI erk to ",r I 1'e to the owner and reqtBElst -~he remoVE! of <br />thl' btBlldlng. <br /> <br />/' <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br />..... <br />