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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />'l!",;':,".,.r. f'r: PEGULAR COUNCIL ~4EET'NG (,,~~,"'I",<_" <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT Of TRUSTEE OLMEN <br /> <br />Malnfensnce Employees <br /> <br />Trustee Olman reported that Fred Nixon's wage rate wll I remaIn <br />the sarna through June 30, 1966, and requested the Publl~Works Comm- <br />Ittee to study the matter of any adjustment to be made after that <br />date. 'Trustee Olmen moved, seconded by Trustee BJorndahl, to hIre <br />John Schultz for maintenance work at the rate of $3.00 per hour, <br />effectIve January I, 1966, and WillIam Ehlers as a rink attendant, <br />at the rate of $2.00 per hour, eff~ctlve January I, 1966; motIon <br />carried. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR NETHERCUT <br /> <br />CIvic Center <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut stated the CIvIc Center Committee has requested plan- <br />nIng InformatIon from several sources and would like the InformatIon <br />wIthIn two weeks. <br /> <br />FIre Department Reauest <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut Informed the Council of a request from Fire ChIef <br />Harry Ehlers of a map of the IndustrIal Park showIng the exIsting <br />buIldIngs wIth a number desIgnated for each buildIng to facIlItate <br />answering fIre calls. Matter referred to Clerk to obtaIn an <br />approprIate map. <br /> <br />School for Inspectors <br /> <br />Mayor Nethercut requested the Clerk to Inform the VIllage Inspectors <br />of a school to be held January 24 - 26 at the UnIversity of MInn. <br />campus, sponsored by the MInnesota League of Municipalities. <br /> <br />Board of Appeals AppoIntment <br /> <br />Mayor Nethereut Informed the CouncIl that Glen Pederson has re- <br />sIgned from the Board of Appeals and suggested that Rogsr Moberg <br />be appoInted. <br /> <br />Trustee Crepeau moved, seconded by Trustee BJorndahl, that Roger Moberg, <br />1315 TIller Lane, be appoInted to the Board of Appeals; for a two <br />year term effectIve January I, 1966; motion carried. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />MInnesota Plannlna Association <br /> <br />Clerk was requested to Inform the MPA that Trustee Hoffm~nn will re- <br />place Mayor Nethercut as a member. Clerk was also requested to check <br />wIth the L.M.M. as to changing our representation on the Water Resourc- <br />es CommIttee from Mayor Nethercut to Trustee Dimen. <br /> <br />County PolIcies on Road Construction <br /> <br />Clerk dIstributed to the Council copIes of a letter from Ramsey <br />County EngIneer Deane Anklan regarding a change In polIcIes re- <br />garding road constructIon. Mayor Nethercut requested the Clerk to <br />sen~ ~oples of this letter to the PublIc Works CommIttee and also to <br />the Finance CommIttee. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK LORRAINE STROMQUIST <br /> <br />Village Insurance PolIcIes <br /> <br />Clerk LorraIne Stromquist Informed the Council that Mr. Hlte from <br />the Hlte Insurance Agency who' handles the VIllage Insurance, was <br />not prepared to attend thIs meetIng, but wIll be at the January 31st <br />meetIng. She Informed the CouncIl that she has a proposal from Bach- <br />man-Anderson Insurance Company whIch states that they have gone Into <br />the consultant service due to the changes In legislative laws of 1965 <br /> <br />-4- <br />