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<br /> be filed wi th the county within 30 days following its <br /> publication. The salary ordinance, thus petitioned, <br /> shall not be effective until it has been approved by the <br /> maj ori ty of those voting on the question at a regular or <br /> special election. <br /> 3. Salaries thus fixed by ordinance shall remain in effect <br /> un til changed by similar ac.tion, except that the board <br /> may at any time by ordinance fix such salaries in a <br /> smaller amount for any year. <br /> 4. Members of the coun ty board shall receive their actual <br /> and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of <br /> their functions. The type and amount of expenses may be <br /> determined by the county board in the administrative <br /> code. <br /> 5. Fees, payments or other compensation paid to county board <br /> members, in exchange for representing the county, by <br /> outside boards, committees or other government agencies <br /> shall be remitted to the county treasury. Ramsey County <br /> may pay its board members additional fees for <br /> representing the county on outside boards, committees or <br /> other government agencies, provided that such payments <br /> are authorized in the annual salary ordinance. <br />Sec. 2.02 Powers of the County Board <br /> The county board shall be the policy-determining body of the <br /> county. Except as otherwise provided by the Constitution of the <br /> State of Minnesota, or by this charter, the county board shall <br /> have all the powers of the county. Without limitation of the <br /> foregoing grant or of other powers given it by this charter, the <br /> county board shall have power: <br />A. To appoint, review, and remove the county manager. <br />B. To establish, structure, merge, or abolish any county <br /> departmen t, office, agency, board or commission and to <br /> prescribe the function of any county depar tmen t , office, <br /> agency, board or commission, with the following exceptions: <br /> 1. That no function assigned by this charter to a particular <br /> departmen t, office, agency, board or commission may be <br /> discontinued or assigned to any other unless the charter <br /> is amended; and <br /> 2. That this section does not alter the obligation of the <br /> county to provide services mandated by state or federal <br /> law. <br />C. Subject to the limitations provided by law: <br /> 1. To levy taxes and special assessments; <br /> 3 <br />