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<br /> 2. To issue debt instruments and borrow. money; and <br /> 3. To set fees and designate the collection and disposition <br /> of such fees by any county depar tmen t, office, agency or <br /> board. <br />D. To adopt a budget and to make appropriations for <br /> county purposes. <br />E. To adopt and amend an administrative code. <br />F. To make investigations into the affairs of the county and the <br /> conduct of any county depar tmen t, office, agency, board or <br /> commission. For this purpose, the county board may authorize <br /> the co un ty attorney, to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, <br /> take testimony and require the production of evidence. In the <br /> event that the office of county attorney is the subject of the <br /> investigation the county board shall obtain independent counsel. <br /> Any person who fails or refuses to obey any lawful order issued <br /> in the exercise of these powers by the county board shall be <br /> guilty of a misdemeanor. <br />G. To enter into joint powers agreements as provided by state law. <br />H. To require periodic and sped al reports concerning their <br /> activities from all county departments, offices, agencies, <br /> boards or commissions. <br />1. To provide for an independent audi t of the finances of the <br /> county. <br />J. To adopt, amend or repeal ordinances and resolutions. <br />K. To sell, lease or otherwise dispose of park property upon such <br /> terms as it considers best in the public interest. In the event <br /> the intended use is not consistent with park purposes, before <br /> disposal of any real property for such inconsistent use, the <br /> county board shall hold a public hearing as to the intended use <br /> of the property, after first providing at least twen ty days <br /> wri t ten notice of the hearing date to the municipality in which <br /> the property is located and to all owners of land within 1,000 <br /> feet of the real property to be disposed. <br />L. To acquire by gift , devise, purchase or condemna t ion any <br /> property on such terms as the county board deems appropriate, and <br /> to sell or lease any property of the county, as needed for the <br /> full discharge of the powers and duties of the county, subj ec t to <br /> this charter and state law. <br /> 4 <br />