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<br />Sec. 2.03 Organization: Officers <br /> The county board shall elect from among its members a chair and <br /> a vice chair, each of whom shall serve at its pleasure. The <br /> chair shall preside at county board meetings. If at any <br /> meeting, the chair is not present or is unable to act, the vice <br /> chair shall preside at that meeting. <br />Sec. 2.04 Procedure: Meetings, Rules and Record, Voting <br /> A. The county board shall meet at least twice each month at the <br /> times and dates established by the board at its first meeting in <br /> January of each year and on the days prescribed by the general <br /> laws of this state to transact any business that may properly <br /> come before the board. <br /> All meetings shall be public. The county board by majority vote <br /> in a publi c meeting may decide to hold a closed meeting to <br /> consider issues allowed by law or judicial interpretations of <br /> the law, including strategy for labor negotiations, personnel <br /> matters and litigation. <br /> B. Special meetings may be held on the call of the chair or of four <br /> or more members and, whenever practicable, upon no less than <br /> three days notice. All business conducted at the special <br /> meetings shall be confined to that stated in the notice. <br /> Emergency meetings may be held because of circumstances that, in <br /> the judgment of the county board, require immediate <br /> consideration by the county board. As soon as practicable after <br /> notice has been given to county board members, good faith <br /> efforts shall be made to give notice to each news media in the <br /> same method used to notify the board members. This notice shall <br /> include the subject of the meeting, the date, time, and <br /> location. <br /> C. The county board shall determine its own rules of procedure and <br /> order of business and shall provide for keeping a record of its <br /> official proceedings. The official public record shall be <br /> available in the office of the county manager and shall be <br /> distributed to all city halls and public libraries throughout <br /> the county within one week of approval. <br /> D. Voting, except on procedural motions, shall be by roll call and <br /> the ayes and nays shall be recorded in the record. A maj od ty <br /> of the county board shall be four (4) members. A maj od ty shall <br /> constitute a quorum. No business shall be done unless voted for <br /> by a maj od ty of the whole board, except as provided for <br /> elsewhere in this charter, but less than a majority may adjourn. <br /> S <br />