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<br /> ---------- <br /> CHAPTER 3 <br /> COUNTY MANAGER <br />Sec. 3.01 Appointment and Removal of the County Manager <br /> A. The county board shall appoint a county manager and fix the <br /> manager's compensation and terms of employmen t . The <br /> appointment shall be based on executive and administrative <br /> qualifications and experience. The county manager need not be <br /> a resident of Ramsey County nor of the State of Minnesota at <br /> the time of appointment. <br /> B. The county board, upon the vote of four members for a <br /> resolution to remove, may remove the county manager from office <br /> at pleasure. <br /> C. By letter filed with the chair of the county board, the county <br /> manager may designate a qualified county administrative officer <br /> or employee to exercise the powers and perform the duties of <br /> county manager during the county manager's temporary absence or <br /> disabili ty. If the county manager fails to make such a <br /> designation, or if there is a vacancy in the office of county <br /> manager, the county board shall designate by resolution a <br /> qualified person to perform this function. <br />Sec. 3.02 Powers and Duties of the County Manager <br /> The county manager shall be the chief administrative officer of <br /> the county and shall be responsible to the county board for <br /> proper administration of the affairs of the county and for <br /> carrying out the policies of the county board. The county <br /> manager shall: <br /> A. Appoint, review, transfer, suspend or remove all appointive <br /> department heads and the county manager's appointive staff, and <br /> au thorize such department heads to appoin t, review, transfer, <br /> suspend or remove subordinates in their departments, offices <br /> or agencies. <br /> B. Develop a proposed written administrative code which at minimum <br /> shall identify and define specific areas of accountability, <br /> delegation and reporting requirements for county departments, <br /> offices, agencies, boards and commissions, and shall enforce <br /> and maintain such administrative code after adoption by the <br /> county board by resolution. <br /> C. At tend county board meetings and participate in the county <br /> board's deli bera tions, but not vote on matters before the <br /> county board. <br /> D. Supervise the enforcement of county ordinances and compliance <br /> with the terms of all county franchises, leases, contracts, <br /> permits and licenses. <br /> 6 <br />